The protector the Abused and The pervert

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(I'm a Virgo just in case anyone's wondering)Protective Kanan X kuudere abused Reader X Protective Perverted MariRequested by KristinaHu7

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(I'm a Virgo just in case anyone's wondering)
Protective Kanan X kuudere abused Reader X Protective Perverted Mari
Requested by KristinaHu7 .She is a nice person who requests a lot.
Also just a heads up in going to be offline because my Phone hasn't been paid off yet.Plus my grandma took down the wifi.
Mari:You've grown so big Kanan*Groping kanan*
Kanan:I'll Sue You!
Stop fighting
Hanamaru:What is that item you have zura
Oh this is just my phone.Right now I'm texting Chika so she can bring over some snacks.
Hanamaru:Can I see that Zura?
Sure*Hands phone to hanamura*
Ruby:*Blushes from hanamaru's adorableness*
*Pushes ruby and hanamaru closer to each other*
Y/n's Pov
My dad was arguing with my mom again.I was scared and stricken with fear knowing things wouldn't end well.But then the Sound of a SMACK was heard through there argument.After that a loud THUD was heard before my door opened to reveal my father.He walked in and punched my stomach.He then kneed my face and grabbed my Long hair before he head butted me.Then he just kept beating me and beating me.Everything went dark and when I woke up my hair was cut and my face was covered in my own blood.I walked out only to see my mom with the same angry look.She glared at me before walking to me"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU DAMNED CHILD"SMACK"I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN"SMACK"HE WOULD STILL BE HERE IF IT WASNT FOR YOU!!!"SMACK" DIE"SMACK"DIE" SMACK"JUST DIIIIIIIIIIIIE"
I haven't had that dream Since 5 years ago.Why did it return just now?I felt my chest only to notice my heart was beating faster than usual and I was also covered in sweat.Then I heard a Smashing of glass.I opened my door only to see a broken wine bottle on the floor.I wandered back into my room and threw on my Uniform before leaving.I looked into the living room to see my mom drunk off her ass.She looked at me and pulled out her Butterfly knife that she has on her and she walked straight to me.You could see the fear in my eyes but I walked away quickly before she could hit me.I was already suffering from yesterday's beating which left me in a pool of my own blood and I didn't want to die just yet cause I have them.i hastily left the house and went to school.I was a third year and the reason I grew cold was because of my parents break up.I used to be all cheerful and happy like that chika girl but that all changed.I walked through the gates only to feel a sudden ominous presence.I quickly dodged to the side only to see Mari on the floor(For reference When words are in italics that means Mari says something in English)"That was very rude of you Y/n darling"Mari said while rubbing her bum.Then Kanan came out from behind me and hugged me gently.I quietly hissed in pain and They hopefully didn't notice."Hi Y/n-Chan""Hi Kanan-San""Mari stop trying to grope Y/n-Chan""Its joke But her breasts rival yours!"She said with a cat like grin while getting into groping position.Kanan saw this and got in front of me defensively"Your not going to grope her Mari!""Fine but I'll still grope her later~"Kanan gained a confused look since she didn't understand the English language that well.I understood and shivered in fear.Cause you know.Shes going to fondle my breasts for fun.But I still do have a crush on her along with Kanan.The two then engaged in a fight where Kanan was trying to stop Mari from groping her students.I sighed and started to walk to class only to be surrounded by 4 students.They were known as He school bullies and if you didn't give them what they want they would beat you into a bloody pulp."Hey look it's the emotionless Lesbian!"The leader I assume shouted at me.All I did was look at her before continuing to walk.Another girl grabbed my wrist and turned me around"Hey were talking to you!"All I did was shrug her off while freeing my hand and I tried to walk away again but that proved difficult cause now they surrounded me"What are you mute!""So this bitch is mute now!Hahaha looks like she won't be able to fight back"The girl said laughing.She tried to throw a punch at me but I dodged it and walked past them."Leave me alone"I whispered in a small dead voice."What was that Gay girl!?"Sighing I walked off and went to class.Sadly the four girls had the same class with me.I took my seat in the back while the other girls sat beside me.Kanan sat directly I front of me while Dia and Mari sat on both sides of her.I sighed knowing this was going to be a long lesson.
Time skip to lunch brought to you by Hanamaru breaking a computer.Hanamura:...*Sees off button*zura*Computer turns off*
After class ended Dia dragged Mari and Kanan away for student counsel business leaving me with the bullies.I grabbed all my stuff and walked away but one of the girls threw a paper all at me from behind.Reacting quickly I grabbed the paper ball and tossed it in the trash can.Then another girl walked up to me from behind and drop kicked me.I stumbled forward only to be met with a fist.After that I tripped over a girl and fell onto the floor.One of the girls hopped on top of me and started beating me down.I could feel my wounds re opening and my conciseness slipping away after every punch.Everything started turning black.But then I heard a voice"OI GET OFF OF HER!!!"The voice sounded pissed.But that was the last thing I heard before passing out.
As I was walking down the hall I heard flesh hitting flesh.I thought someone was doing"That"So I decided to check it out only to see Short H/C hair covered in blood and the girls eyes were closing slowly.I noticed it was Y/n and I let anger take over me since she's a great friend of mine."OI GET OFF OF HER!"I shouted to them the girls turned around and saw me.They quickly scampered away but not before I took a picture of them.I then pulled out my phone and rung up an ambulance.I then texted everyone to come down to the first floor.And faster than a heart beat everyone was here I then moved a bit only to show Y/n badly beaten.Why didn't she tell us about her getting bullied.I turned around only to see all the girls tearing up.Wait the Bullies couldn't have used weapons since there forbidden to be used here.Dont tell me ....Was she being abused at home!?Why didn't she tell us!?We could've helped her!I Then heard the Ambulance sirens in the background.Kanan and Mari picked her up and brought her to the ambulance.
Timeskip to the hospital
Kanans Pov
Once we arrived at the hospital I broke down crying on Mari.Were supposed to be Y/n's Best friends so why wouldn't she tell us about it why didn't she want us to know about her being bullied.Just why!sniffling I lifted my head up only to see a red haired doctor.She also had amethyst eyes.Huh looks like nishikino.No I must be imagining things."Are you her friends?""Y-Yes w-we a-are"I said through tears"Well it seems she is Going to-""NISHIKINO YOUR PATIENTS HEART STOPPED BEATING!!!"All of us were struck with the news.Nishikino ran off to save y/n while we were all worried for her."D-Do you think she'll make it Mari?""I know she'll make it Kanan""WE JUST NEED HOPE!!!"I looked over to see Chika looking exactly like makoto naegi from goddamn Danganronpa.We all decided to stay here in the hospital.Th doctor came out again and looked at us with her Amethyst eyes."Do you know how to contact her family?"She asked.I was about to give her a number but Riko interrupted me"She was being abused by her mother!"She said full of anger.None of us knew this and we were shocked."H-H-How do you know"Ruby asked"She's covered in scars from cuts,She also has whip and burn marks on her.Also from the looks she was abused yesterday.She had stab wounds that reopened from the looks of it"All of us were shocked from all this information.Who would've known that Y/n was suffering though so much pain all alone."Also it seems the patient had been put in a coma from severe blood loss.""How long until she wakes up?""I honestly don't know.All I know is that it depends on her body.If her body can regenerate enough blood cells she should be up in a month or two.But if her body can't then she dies"She said deathly serious.All we had to do was wait for her to wake up.she was going to wake up right...Right!?
Time skip Two weeks.This is MAKIng me sad.
Mari POV
Its been two weeks since she went into a coma.We would all visit her when we had the time.I was with Y/n right now in the hospital room holding her hand.I just wish I was there to help her.I wish I could have saved her from those bullies....I wish I wasn't so useless.If only I had stuck by her side none of this would've happened to her!Why did I have to be such a damn fool!I started crying gently on her hand.Just why!Why!!!........I know she wouldn't want to see me this way.So I have to be strong for her.I know she'll wake up.She has to.
Time skip 2More weeks Yousoro
Kanan's Pov
I walked In to see y/n still not moving.I grabbed her hand and talked to her"I don't know if you can her me Y/n...But please wake up.I know I should've stayed by your side but...But I didn't cause I didn't know what you were going through.If you told us we could've helped you.We...We all miss you.I miss you.I need you cause with out you...I'm...Im nothing.Your the other half to my heart Y/n and if I ever lost you I...I don't know what I would do.Just please......Please wake up!
Time skip to the end of the month Zura
Y/n's pov
I could hear two voices.One sounded like Kanan.One of my crushes and the other sounded like Mari.My Other crush.They both sounded heartbroken.They both missed me...And in truth I missed them also.I opened my eyes slightly to see it was dimly lit.I looked to the window only to see it was raining.I then looked to the end of my bed only to see Purple and Blonde hair.They were both holding my hands."We really did it now didn't we Y/n...Were supposed to be there by your side protecting you and now look what happened"I heard Kanan say in a voice that sounded so fragile like it could break at any second"Plus I'm the director...You would think I would notice bullying happening around the school but I was to busy groping other people and I never noticed the pain you were in"Wanting to make them stop regretting things I pulled my hands out of there hands and patted both of there heads while saying in a small voice"Stop talking bad about yourself...It was my fault for never telling you"After I said that both Mari and Kanan looked up at me before there eyes widened and timed with tears."Morning girls"I said in a sweet quiet voice"Y/N!!!"Both of them hugged me.It was sorta painful but nothing I can't handle."I missed you girls"I said quietly"WE LOVE YOU!!!"Both of them shouted earning the attention of the staff members.Some girls crowded around.Some of them i noticed as Honoka,Maki,And Eli(My 3 favorite girls)Honoka awed and Eli smirked while maki grew red in the face."Thank you for looking after me maki-Chan!"I said in a small voice."How do you know me?"She asked twirling her hair"Your still famous maki nishikino former member of muse along with you to former muse member Eli ayase and Honoka kousaka Former Leader of muse"Both Kanan and Mari look back only to see it was really them.Both then turned There attention back to me and hugged me.All I did was sit there hugging them both"I love you girls too"And with that big of the girls planted a kiss on both of my cheeks.And for once in my life I cracked a smile.Until dia barged in with the rest of Aquors and nozomi was following behind holding a camera.Apparently she hadn't been noticed.Nozomi followed behind,Dia walked up and screamed at me"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE!!!"Nozomi then gropes Dia making Dia twirl around only to see Nozomi with a smirk on her face"Don't scream at you friends who've just woken up~"In about ten seconds flat Dia and ruby started fangirling seeing muse in real life.Chika ran up to Honoka along her tons of questions hanamaru was admiring modern art technology.Yoshiko was annoying Maki more than Nico has ever annoyed her.I just sweat dropped and smiled again.This time everyone stops what there doing and looks at me."oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!Y/N SMILED!!!""Yeah cause only you two can make me smile"*FLASH*"This ones going to the note book!"You said in the back.Everyone had a great time and I was discharged from the hospital.They said if I need anything I could come back.I looked over to Kanan and Mari only to see them smiling.I smiled back and kissed Kanan on the lips.Then I pulled back and kissed Mari on lips.Both blushed and pecked my cheeks.And then we headed home hand in hand.Until Mari groped me and got scowled by Kanan.
I hope I did good(2409 words do)
Ruby:H-H-H-Hi Maru-Chan
Hanamaru:Ruby are you ok Zura your as red as your hair zura.
Riko:*In the background watching*This is the part where she confesses in accordance to my yuri manga
Chika:*Picks up one of Riko's yuri manga and reads it*
Ruby:I-I-I-I-I R-R-Really really like you Maru-Chan please go out with me!!!
Chika:*Nose starts bleeding*
Riko:Knew it~*Turns around to see a passed out Chika holding her yuri manga*NOOOOOO
Chika:*While passed out*What beautiful breasts she says as she fondles them

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