The Yandere Tomato and the Shy Bunny

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(Yandere Maki X Bunny like reader since I'm very bored)
Requested by me...I'm aloud to do that since it's my book
Author:I'm sooooooo booooooooored*Reading yuri manga*
Umi:*Snatches Yuri manga away only to see its on the K-I-S-S-I-N-G Page*SH-SH-SH-SHAMELESS!!!*Passes out*
Rin:NYA!!!*Chases a yarn ball*
Everyone else:...
Rin:Kayo-Chin shall be rin's bride Nya!
Maki's Pov
Just another boring day at school.Plus all we did today was just learn basic stuff like how the square roots do this and that.But apparently we're getting a new student in our class tomorrow.I wonder how she's going to be.But if she's like Nico than I'll have one more problem to deal with.Not really paying attention I walked out of the room and in to the hallways and bumped into Kotori who was running to my class.Probably to tell we have practice."We don't have practice today"She said with her usual Happy attitude.Where does she even have all this energy?"Ok but don't think I'm going to thank you or anything"I said walking away.Once I arrived home I did the usual stuff and I flopped onto my bed.I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me in.
Reader-Pyons POV
I woke up and dressed into my uniform for school.After that I grabbed a carrot and dashed out of my house.While I was running I ran into a red haired girl.She was so adorable but I didn't have time to talk.So I said a quick sorry before dashing off to my new school.Once I arrived I saw the two girls I was supposed to meet.I stopped in front of them and put my hands on my knees since I was tired from sprinting here.Once I regained my energy I Looked up to the girls before saying in a cheerful voice"Hello my Name is Y/n It's nice to meet you Senpyon(Senpai and Pyon mixed cause your an adorable Bunny) " The purple haired girl giggled while the Blonde stifled her laugh."Well,Well looks like we have an energetic Underclassman don't you say elichi"The purple haired girl said."It seems we do Nozomi-San"The girl other wise known as Eli said.The girl known as Nozomi told me to follow her and the blonde so I did and we ended up at the headmasters office.I walked in only to see the headmaster buried in paper work.She looked up from it and smiled at me.
Time skip because I don't feel like making a huge conversation with Headmaster minami-San
After getting my schedule I noticed the girls were gone and I headed to my class.The teacher noticed me and told me to wait."Students we will be having a new student joining us today so treat her well"The teacher said"You may come in now"She said in a nice caring voice.I walked in and looked over to everyone.I remembered I still have the carrot on me so I take a bite out of it before going"Neeeee what's up doc?"Most of the girls giggled while others didn't get the reference"Anyways my name is F/n L/n It's a pleasure to meet you Pyon"I said smiling.Most of the girls look like they have hearts in there eyes while others are still awestruck from my cuteness.I looked over and saw the girl I bumped into this morning.She was staring at me so I decided to sit next to her.She was Very red in the face so I poked her cheek"Are you sick?"I asked her.She shook her head no and looked away while twirling a piece of her hair furiously.I shrugged it off and waited until the class ended.Once it did I looked over to the girl and reached out a hand"As you know Pyon My name is Y/n Pyon.I hope we can be great friends Pyon"
Maki's POV
After a cute girl bumped into me I couldn't get her out of my head so I went over to school to try and get her out of my head.Once I arrived I headed to my class room only to see Rin Practically suffocating Hanayo in her breasts."Your so adorable Kayo-Nya!!!"But when Rin pulled her out from her chest...Well let's just say her nose was bleeding badly and her eyes were swirling(K.O.!!!)Rin dragged her knocked out body away to the nurses office I'm guessing.Thats when the teacher came in and told the new student to wait.The teacher said the basic stuff like Please be nice to the new student and such.But...The new student walked in and it was the girl that crashed into me this morning.She had beautiful H/L H/C Hair along with vibrant E/C Eyes .I wanted to be angry but she was just to adorable.Even the way she speaks is adorable.I wanted her all to myself.I want her to be only mine.I want Y/n To belong only to me!I was in such deep thought that I hadn't noticed that she sat beside me.Internally I was screaming but externally I was Blushing as red as my hair.She then poked my cheek and asked if I was okay.Im never going to wash this cheek again since Y/n Touched it!I hadn't noticed that I was in deep thought....Again until I heard the bell.She then reached her hand out to me and wanted to be friends with me.That must mean she wants to be only mine.Hehehehe"M-M-My names M-Maki Nishikino It's nice to meet you"As son as I said that Rin barged in with Hanayo following close behind her."Maki's being nice to Someone Nya!?"Rin asked obviously confused."wait what?"Hanayo said with the same confused look"W-Well she's new and I wanted to be nice to her"I said looking away while crossing my arms.
Y/n's pov
She's just to adorable I swear.But then a girl with a cat like grin ran up to me and started shaking my hands up and down."Himynamesrinnyawhoareyou!?"(Hi my names Rin Nya who are you?)She spoke way to fast for me to understand.So I decided to just introduce myself."M-My names Y/n Pyon it's nice to meet you Pyon"I said In a mixture of confusion and cheerfulness."YOUR ADORABLE NYA!!!"Rin said shoving me into her chest.I looked over to Maki for help but all she did was glare at Rin who didn't notice her glare."R-Rin can you please get the N-new student off your chest.I think she's U-uncomfortable"A girl eating rice balls said.But then a girl with black hair and ruby red eyes walked in and glared at all of us like she was the queen or something.."Oi Why aren't you guys at the roof.Plus you were making me the best idol in the world wait!"She's full of herself.Then a girl with Dark brown hair and brown eyes(Me) walked by and said to Nico"Hey aren't you the president of the itty bitty titty committee?"Me,Rin,And maki laughed while the small Chibi girl got angry.She ran over to the girl and said"Nico Nico-"She then grabbed the girls head"NIIIIIII"and with that she slammed her Knee into the girls face.The dark brown haired girl had a broken nose and Passed out.The raven haired girl turned around clearly pissed and glared at us."Let's just head to the rooftop!"
Timeskip to ze rooftop.Also I feel bad for Nico but not really.
As we arrived I looked around and saw the two girls from this morning along with some other girl.One of them with orange hair and a side ponytail ran up to me and said"Who are you?"I replied with"My names Y/n-Pyon its nice to meet you pyon"Most of the girls turned red"Pyon?"A girl with ash brown hair and Rin both jumped on me saying how adorable I was.A girl with Long blue hair walked up and pried them off of me.She looked strict as hell.I looked over to maki only to see her Once vibrant amethyst eyes dull and lifeless."Maki-pyon?"I asked clearly concerned.In about 2 seconds her eyes changed back to normal and she looked away blushing.
Timeskip 3Months.Im in the mood for some pocky*Still reading yuri manga*
I was currently cuddled up against maki-Pyon.Ive had a crush on her but she hadn't noticed somehow.I heard the door to the roof open only to see nozomi-Pyon holding a camera.She took a picture and maki got flustered.She chased down Nozomi telling her to delete it.Sighing I went down to my locker only to find a pink envelope.I opened it only for the note inside it to say"Please come to the back of the gym"I ran to the back only to see a girl with pink hair and white eyes(Just some random ass character)"Oh you came""Why do you need my Pyon?""Well I wanted to-""Y/n-Chan!"I turned around to see Maki-Chan."What is it Maki-Pyon?""N-Nothing it's just your needed by Nozomi upstairs""Ok pyon."I turned to the girl and bowed saying sorry.then I left.But I forgot something so I headed back only to see-
Maki's Pov
As I told MY Y/N a lie about Nozomi needing her I pulled a knife out of my pocket and stabbed the girl right in the heart.I gen covered her mouth so no screams would escape.I could tell I had a crazy smile plastered on my face."Hehehehehe no one can have MY Y/n-Chan cause no one is good enough for her~"I said to the girl.Her once vibrant white eyes turned dull and lifeless.I giggled a bit which turned into a Dark laugh filled with insanity and darkness.I turned around only to see Y/n-Chan.Fear instantly overcame me thinking she would run away.But instead she walked forward and hugged me"Maki-Pyon...I love you so much...But...But please don't kill classmates"She said sobbing into my shoulder.I hugged her gently and said"But she might have gotten in the way of our love~""NO SHE WOULDN'T HAVE!!!"She screamed at me"Y-Y/n?"I asked concerned greatly for my love"I-I-I love you maki but-But if you k-Keep killing P-People than my love for you will die"When she said that I felt my heart crack"O-Ok I W-Won't kill anymore just Please!Please don't leave me..."I said now sobbing into her shoulder.She rubbed my back"I want you to make a promise to me Maki""Yes anything for you!""I want you to promise me you won't kill anymore""I PROMISE"I said hugging her even tighter."That's all I need.So let's head home now maki.Ok?""O-Ok"After Y/n Forgave me we left with our fingers intertwined with one another.We were going to start our new chapter together.Y/n Would keep me sane while I would protect her until my last breath.
Honoka and Kotori:*Trying to revive Umi*
Author:I wonder if a kiss would wake her up?
Umi:*Shoots straight up*N-NO IM GOOD!!!
Eli:That was a fast response!
Author:Are you still salty about earlier?
Author:....Ok also why do you still throw up those gang signs?

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