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AURORA WOKE MORNINGS later, avoiding James and his friends as much as possible.

When she woke, she remembered that she dreamt of a stag, standing right at the edge of the school yard — before the woods. He was staring directly at the window of the girls' dormitory, before walking back into the woods.

Aurora took a long, hot shower the same morning, before pulling her hair into a braid that ran down her spine.

When she walked down to the Great Hall, she spotted James and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team riling one another up.

When James threw himself into Sirius and Peter, she looked around for Remus; who was nowhere around.

The three noticed Aurora, and she turned away, sitting down at the table.

She placed her books onto the table, grabbing one of the apples from the bowl.


The Gryffindor table began stomping their feet, cheering as the team headed out the doors.

"Miss Potter."

Aurora knew that voice. With a nervous sigh, she turned, looking up to see Professor McGonagall standing.

"A word?"

Aurora stood to her feet, following McGonagall down the long isle. She tried to avoid those around her that stared at her.

When she noticed Sirius and Peter both watching her, she looked down, continuing to follow McGonagall.

Inside of her office, Aurora stood, fumbling with her hands.

"I could see that you were upset when you walked out of your own detention the other day."

Aurora bit her lip, feeling her stomach beginning to churn.

"I wasn't feeling well," she lied — for the first time ever to a teacher. "I didn't want to. . . You know."

McGonagall only nodded, folding her arms before her.

"This does mean you will have to makeup two hours, though."

"Yes, Professor."

"Now, now, off you go. Quidditch is about to begin."

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