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REMUS LAID FLATLY against the cold wooden floor of the Shrieking Shack, shivering faintly as the wind hit his naked body.

When he opened his eyes, he could remember small bits of the night before.

Sirius sat across the room, his arms folded as his long hair fell on the sides of his face.

Pressing his hands against the floor flatly, he sat up.

"Where's Aurora?"

Sirius stood, tossing him a shirt and a pair of jeans. He pulled them on quickly, avoiding hitting his injured face with the material of his shirt.

"She's in the hospital wing." Sirius said bluntly.

Remus stared at him, closing his eyes. "Damn it."

Sirius shook his head. "She followed us. . . She was trying to figure out why we were here."

Remus pressed his back to the wall, his head hanging forward as he tried to breathe calmly.

Sirius didn't flinch as Remus spun around, slamming his fists through the wall. He pulled them out of the splintering wood, ignoring the new splinters and the surfacing blood.

"Tell me she's all right," he said.

Sirius sighed.

"Tell me she's all right!" He yelled, the veins trailing up his neck popping out furiously.

"She's banged up," he said. "She has a concussion, sprained ankle, bruises and scratches. . . Other than that, she's still standing."

Remus shook his head. "That potion was in my pocket, Sirius."

"Where could it have gone, Remus?" Sirius asked. "It's not likely for you to lose the damn thing that gives you a small piece of humanity in your transformation!"

He clenched his jaw.

Sirius ran a hand through his hair. "Moony, you didn't do this."

"Is that some sort of joke, you nutter?" Remus asked. "Of course I did this!"

"Once a month, you're not you, all right? You're someone else."

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