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REMUS HAD AVOIDED Aurora for days, wondering why it was taking Aurora so long to actually notice his intentions.

Since the night he had discovered the scars from when he transformed every month, he began to wonder how she put up with him.

He didn't even understand how he continued putting up with himself.

Remus sat in potions that day, staring at his cauldron, but wasn't doing anything.


Snapping out of his trance, he turned and looked at Sirius.

"You're being stupid, you dumb git."

Remus — who mainly thought for himself, began to copy Sirius by pouring a black powder into his cauldron to look as if he were doing the assignment.

"How am I being stupid?" Remus asked a minute later.

"You've been avoiding Aurora for something stupid; that makes you stupid, too."

"I've hurt my girlfriend, Sirius," he snapped. "I don't consider that being stupid. I'm trying to prevent it from happening again."

When the class bell rang, Slughorn announced their homework assignment, before exiting the class before the students.

"Look, mate." Sirius began, walking along side of Remus and out of the classroom. "I get it, all right? But you didn't do that — that's not you. This is you."

Remus sighed.

"And Aurora knows that as well. She chooses to be around you when you've transformed, because she loves you unconditionally."

"I can't help it," Remus whispered.

"She's become and animagus to help you as we do, Moony. She cares about you just as we do."

Remus hated avoiding her. He missed the sound of her voice. He missed her smile every time she laughed and spoke, and he missed her in general; her presence.

"I don't know what to do, Padfoot." Remus said.

Sirius clamped a hand upon Remus's shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "Go talk to her."

He sighed. "All right, I'll talk to her at lunch."

He smirked. "You better,"

Remus scoffed. "I'm taking your advice, Padfoot."

"Atta boy," he said. "go get her, best friend."

Remus hurried down the hallway, and Sirius sighed.

"Why am I the single friend that gives relationship advice?"

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

Once Remus arrived to the Great Hall for lunch, he looked around at the Gryffindor table for Aurora, unable to find her.

He walked towards Lily, gaining his breath from walking around everywhere.

"Have you seen Aurora?" He asked her. "I need to speak with her."

"After avoiding her for days?" She asked. "Remus, you're one of my best friends, but you're being a right foul git."

Remus clenched his jaw. "I hurt her."

Lily looked up at him, her green eyes focused on his. "You're supposed to solve your problems in a relationship; not avoid them."

He inhaled. "I'm trying to make it right."

Lily nodded. "I believe you,"

He nodded, too. "All right, where is she?"

"She skipped classes today," she replied. "She said she's not feeling well."

His brows furrowed.

"I'll see you later."

As she walked back towards her seat beside James, James sent his friend a glare, turning back to Lily.

Remus ran throughout the castle, giving the password before entering the common room. He released a sigh as he panted heavily, walking up the stairs to the girls' dormitory.

When he walked in, Aurora — who had been sitting on her bed, stood to her feet as she stared at him in surprise.

"Lily said you weren't feeling well," he breathed.

"I'm all right," she said, looking away from him with a stiff posture.

Remus watched as she grabbed one of her books, looking back up at him.

"Why are you here, Remus?"

"I've made a mistake, Aurora." He began. "When I saw those scars, I panicked."

She didn't say anything.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore." He said.

Aurora felt her eyes beginning to water, and her heart began to beat rapidly as her hands clenched into fists.

"You know what?" She asked. "You don't understand."

"What do I not understand?" Remus shouted.

"I don't care you hurt me because I love you!" She shouted. "I did all of this because I love you!"

Aurora was crying now, and she began to tremble. She closed her eyes as Remus continued staring at her, and she sniffled.

"I love you, Remus." She said. "And what hurts you, it hurts me. And I know it's the same for you, but that won't stop me from loving you. Ever."

Remus stared at her, his teary eyes locked with hers as he moved to stand before her.

"You continue to surprise me, Aurora Potter." He said, his hands holding hers. "For loving me unconditionally."

Aurora closed her eyes as Remus pressed his lips to hers, grabbing her face gently.

"Lily said you weren't feeling well," Remus mentioned again. "Are you all right?"

"I ate bad porridge yesterday," she said. "I knew it tasted different, and I still ate it."

Remus laughed.

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