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My favorite Chapter!!!

A MONTH PASSED, and Christmas came quick. The snow grew thicker as the air grew colder, which lead most Hogwarts students to bundle up in large amounts of clothing.

Aurora was spending the holiday with James, Peter, Remus and Sirius, along with Lily.

The night of Christmas Eve, she somehow managed falling asleep in Remus's arms while they all played a muggle-card game called Uno.

And instead of trying to move her, Remus allowed her to sleep in his arms, falling asleep on one of the spare beds.

The room was still dark, signaling that it was still early morning.

But apparently, some of them didn't care.

Aurora felt someone tapping her arm, and she sighed tiredly.

"Bloody hell," she mumbled, her eyes focusing on the figure before her.

Lily stood, smirking as she pulled out of Remus's arms.

"Rise and shine, beaut." She said. "Got a good looking bunch of gifts waiting."

Aurora sighed, sliding out of bed and pulling a sweater on over her shirt. She walked down the stairs, watching as Lily lifted one of the wrapped boxes.

"Merry Christmas."

Aurora smiled, taking the box. "You didn't have to buy me anything."

Lily shrugged.

Opening the box, she smiled at the sight of a knitted Gryffindor sweater.

"My grandmum made it," she said. "It keeps you warm."

"Lily, I love it." She said, hugging the girl. "Thank you."

Aurora knelt down, lifting her gift for Lily.

"Great minds think alike."

Lily laughed, opening the box.

She pulled out a pair of Gryffindor mittens, ear muffs and a scarf.

"Gryffindor is the category." Lily laughed. "Thank you."

Aurora signed. "All right, I'm going to go get dressed. I'll meet you down stairs."


Aurora walked into the room, pulling a pair of jeans and a green sweater on. When she was finished, she walked into the next room, looking down at Remus.

When Remus slept, she could usually tell how peaceful it was for him. To not worry about himself, and to not worry about staying up a whole night like he usually did once a month.

Instead of waking him, Aurora grabbed one of the blankets, draping it over him before stepping outside quietly.

She walked downstairs, seeing James and Lily in the kitchen. She walked in, her eyes widening as she turned.

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