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AURORA STOOD FROZEN, unsure on what to do. The man she had fallen for was a werewolf, and his razor sharp canine-teeth didn't appear to be friendly.

James helped Sirius, pinning the now-werewolf Remus to the wall.


Out of nowhere, Sirius transformed into a black dog. He began to growl, trying to get to Remus in his Animagus perspective.

Peter's body shrunk, until he appeared as a rat. He squealed and ran through a hole in the wall.

"There's no time!" James yelled. "Go, Aurora!"

The last thing Aurora saw was James becoming a stag, using his antlers to pin him to the wall.

Aurora ran out of the open door, shoving it shut behind her as Remus made a break for it. He slammed through the door, tumbling down the stairs as she hurried through the tunnel.

The werewolf howled, and Aurora kept running. She panted heavily as dirt showered down onto her, her eyes stinging.

She slid out of the hole, managing to run across the grounds before the Whomping Willow could reel around.

Remus began running on all fours towards her, only to be knocked away by the tree. He was sent into a nearby tree, falling limply.

Aurora began running, not exactly caring what direction it was in. She found herself running down a steep hill, and the werewolf staggered up.

He threw his head back, howling as the moon reflected off of his eyes.

He began running, using her scent to hunt her down.

Aurora found herself running into the forbidden forest, running through the tall trees to try and lose the werewolf that was catching up on her.

She huffed as she tripped over a tree stump, falling face-first into the dirt. She wiped most of it off of her bleeding face, stopping as she heard twigs snap.

Aurora cried out as she turned onto her back, trying to crawl backwards as the werewolf neared her. She trembled and trembled, laying back as he hovered over her.

Aurora reached her hand out as his face neared hers, gripping a hold of a rock. She slammed it into his face, causing him to yelp.

She staggered to her feet, only to scream as it pulled her back. His claws sank into her shin, pulling her back across the ground.

To the Moon and Back → Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now