Part 1: Who Are You?

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I don't know for how long I've been flying on my dragon, away from the place I called home. Away from everything I knew in a big and unknown world. When I thought I'm far enough away I landed on an island.

Everything was quiet. For some time I walked around until I found a cave. It seemed safe. Max was tired and so was I, we needed a place to rest and it seemed like a perfect opportunity. I sat down against the wall of a cave, Max lied next to me. He immediately fell asleep. Crickets were heard from the outside. My vision became blurry and I closed my eyes.

The sound of metal hitting and screams were everything I could hear. The sky was gray and it started to rain. The houses were burning. Suddenly somebody knocked me down, when I stood up I saw the scene I was afraid of.
"Let her go!!" I growled looking at a man who was holding my sister tightly and leaned a knife against her throat.

"Or what? Make just one step and your dearest sister will be on the ground without her pretty head!" He pressed a knife closer her neck as tears were falling from her eyes.

"What I have to do for you to let her go?" I know what he wants, but I had to ask, I couldn't think.

He just laughed enjoying in his power "You know what I want! It's still not too late to go back! So do you accept my offer this time?"

"I will never accept it!! I'm not that cold-hearted to join you!" My head was burning and I was completely out of control. But I couldn't move, if I do that bastard will kill her.

"Oh really? Not that cold-hearted, well that can be changed..." He pulled a knife right in my sisters neck. She screamed in pain. The worst sound I ever heard.

"Amelia!!" Her scream was all I could hear, it echoed in my head.

I woke up shaking. Max was looking at me confused. I could feel blood boiling in my vains. Heavy sigh escaped from my lips, then Max came closer, looking at me with confusion. I patted his head.

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare.." he made sad sound and looked down. "What time is it?" I stand up and went outside the cave. The sky was light blue without any cloud. Morning weather. Max was walking behind me.

"This seems like a nice place don't you think-"Boom!! I jumped of surprise. It sounded like something exploded. Max was sniffing the air around us. "Maybe we should check it.." He just shook his head. "If you don't want to go I'll go by myself!" With that I started to walk to where the sound came from. He slowly followed me.

When I came closer I could hear voices and I hid behind a tree. There are two people with the dragon who have two heads. They look like vikings, but they're acting weird.

Suddenly someone knocked me down. "I got one!!" hurriedly I stood up to be faced with another viking. He's lower than me, has black hair and gray eyes. "You came to spy on us! Well they're really lucky because I knew you'll come, I won't let you escape! And finally they will see I'm the best!!

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Don't lie to me!" He pointed at me with something that looked like a hammer. "Try to beat me! And maybe I'll spare your life!" He made a combat position.

"I don't have time for thi-" before I could finish my sentence he ran to me trying to hit me. I hurriedly lower my head so he fell on the ground. "You'll see now!" He said while trying to stand up. But before he could run to me again I got pulled against a tree with an axe against my neck. I turned and saw a girl.

"Who are you?!" she seemed angry. Her hair was blonde and her blue eyes were gazing at me deadly. "Hayden Thorston" I said while looking at her confused. "Who sent you here?!" That question was weird. Who should sent me? "Nobody-" same moment when I said that she pulled an axe closer "Don't lie to me! Tell me who sent you to spy on us?!" she seems really angry.

"Aw Astrid I could do it by myself you know.." A boy came to us looking disappointed. "Of course you could..", "Then why didn't you let me?!" she rolled her eyes. He obviously didn't notice it was sarcasm. "Look I came here with my dragon. Nobody sent me here to spy on you. I don't even know who you are!" she smirked "Yeah right, we will see that"

With that she put my hands behind my back still holding an axe against my neck. "Move!" she started to drag me. "Where are you taking him?", "To Stoick", "Shouldn't we wait for Hiccup to-", "No, this can't wait!" With that everybody was silent again. This is not how I imagined this day..

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