Part 14: Time To Wake Up

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A sea of darkness was swallowing me. I can't remember the light, or sound. Just silent. The last thing I remember is a loud sound. After that a cold and silent came. I can't remember the faces around me or their voices, but I know they were there. Is this the end? Is this how I die? Far away from my home, from people I know? In the darkness of this world. I couldn't accept it. This is not how I imagined my death. In another time, another place I'd welcome my death with both hands open, but not now, not here. I felt like something was trying to pull me back, out of this death bed. I want to see the sun again, but my eyes stayed closed. My body feels like it doesn't belong to me. Little by little I started to hear again. Faint voices far away.

All I could do was just wait, maybe I'll see the sun again. The sun, Corinne.. Her face appeared in my mind. She was like a sun, my sun. Happy, light. Her warm eyes shining while she smiled. She looked stunning. Will I see her ever again? Will I ever again feel her lips against mine? I have to wake up. A sharp pain passed through my womb. I'd probably pass if I wasn't already unconscious. Everything was red in front of my eyes even if they were still closed. I waited until the pain go away, but it didn't, it just got smaller. Then I found myself being able to finally open my eyes.

The first moment I opened them everything was too light. I could barely see. After a moment I sat up. I was in my house on Dragon's Edge or I was dreaming. Bandages were over my stomach. So that's the cause of pain, but what happened? My head hurts when I tried to remember last actions. A sigh of relief was heard, but it wasn't mine "You're awake!" I needed a moment to realize who it is. It's Corinne. She hurriedly came towards me and hugged me carefully, trying not to touch bandages. "You're finally awake..." Finally? How long was I unconscious? Or better question why? "Corinne?" I hugged her back. After some time she pulled back, sitting on the bed facing me. "How are you feeling?" "Confused, what happened?" she looked like she doesn't want to talk about it but she finally spoke "I saw your other side..." that's when memories hit me. Blurry faces, voices, shouts. I shook my head  and looked at her "I didn't hurt you, did I?" she shook her head "No, you didn't"

"Is this a dream? Are we really alive and on Dragon's Edge?" she smiled a bit "It's not a dream, we're really here. We're free", "But how?", "Let's say that Jayden has more enemies than he knows, even on his ship" on his ship? Who could they be? "In a process you got hurt.." she looked at the bandages on my stomach "I'll be alright", "It was silver, that's why it didn't heal yet" how did she know? "But it soon will..." she nodded, looking at me now. "I know" my face began to go closer to hers and she did the same until our lips connected. It felt like an eternity since the last time we kissed. The kiss was gentle as if we're trying not to hurt each other. Suddenly the door opened. Quickly we jumped from each other.

"You're awake! He's awake!!" it was Tuff. He yelled so everybody could hear him. Soon everybody came running. I can't describe how happy I was to see them again. They had too many questions and Corinne and I answered on all of them. "Corinne didn't tell us how you guys escaped" Willow said while looking at me. "I'd like to know that too", "What do you mean?" Hiccup was confused and so was I. "Just as I said. I don't know. I was unconscious", "Right, that would is pretty bad" Astrid was the one who spoke. I looked at the bandages. "I'll live..", "We survived, that's what matters" Corinne said happily. "You survived, that's what matters" Snotlout came. "Snotlout..", "Lucky you she isn't hurt. If she is you'd be worse than you are now" here we go again. That guy just can't help himself, can he?

"Snotlout now is not the best moment", "Don't silent me Hiccup. Because of him she was captured there" Wait, what? "How's that my fault?" okay he is really crazy or stupid. "How it isn't?", "I was trying to save my friend" he nodded furiously "Yeah and you put another person in danger, by that I don't mean you", "Snotlout that's enough" Astrid dragged him out of my house. Who invited him anyway? I know it may sound cruel, but it was true. He hates me since I came. "Im sorry for this.." Hiccup started to apologize "Don't be, it's Snotlout. We all know how he is" he just nodded. "You should rest" Fishlegs started "But I just woke up", "That's why. Your wound is still fresh, you shouldn't move much" I groaned, not from the pain, but from annoyance.

"You know I won't stay here for long", "Yes, but try to rest that little time you do" with that he left. "Come on guys, we should go too." They started to leave, even Corinne. "Rest, if you need anything call" I nodded "Thanks" I could see a smile on her face, hidden from the sight of others. After they left I let out a sigh. Too much things happened. Suddenly someone's head appeared on the window "I saw that!" It was Tuffnut. I rose an eyebrow "You saw what?" he had a smirk written on his face. "Those secret looks between Corinne and you", "I don't know what you're talking about" secret looks? Okay that's ridiculous "Don't lie to me, you two are hiding something and I know what it is", "Good, then you can tell me 'cause I have no idea" he thought for a moment "I'll tell when everybody was listening" he isn't serious right? He can't be. I don't know what Corinne told them, but I'm sure she didn't tell what happened between us. "Why not now?", "Cause it's not fun, see you later!" he left. Great. How am I supposed to rest now?

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