Part 6: A Plan

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As we landed on Dragon's Edge Fishlegs came running towards us. "Wow where's the rush?" Willow was the first who spoke. "Hiccup..has tell you" he said between breaths. It must be really important since he ran all the way towards us. "Okay where is he?", "Follow me" he started to lead us towards Hiccup's house. Did something happen while we were on Berk? Everything seems fine.

"Good you're here!" when we came in Hiccup's house everybody was there. "Somethings happened?" Willows was as confused as I. "No, no, don't worry." Hiccup wasn't nervous so I guess nothing bad happened. "Then what is happening?" For some reason I started to feel impatient. "I think we all know that almost a month passed since you came and we were all busy these days, so I thought about making a small party to celebrate you becoming one of us" He's kidding right? "And when did you think to have that party?" I asked and I'm afraid of the answer. "I asked others and we thought about.." please don't say tonight, please don't say tonight.. "..tonight" Shit...I'm dead.

"Um Hiccup does it has to be tonight? I mean, why tonight, why not some other day?" I tried to shake off the nervousness in my voice, but I failed. "Well tonight we have nothing to do" of course we don't. "Why, you can't tonight?" Corinne spoke up. Great, just what I needed. "Maybe he's afraid of the dark so he wants a party to be at day" Snotlout laughed. That guy is really annoying sometimes. What am I saying? He's always annoying! "Snotlout we were in night patrol and he wasn't afraid so why would he be now?" Willow started talking. "She has a point!" Tuffnut and Ruffnut agreed. "Then it's tonight!" Astrid yelled. "But tonight-" Willow started but Astrid interrupted her "Tonight is perfect! After all, who knows when all of us are going to be free again" With that we left Hiccup's house. Willow looked at me and mumbled sorry quietly just for me to hear. I nodded to show it's alright even if we both know it isn't.

The night was coming and I couldn't calm down. I walked back and forth in my house thinking what can happen. Then I heard knocking. "Yes?" Willow came in "Are you okay?" I signed "I am, but they won't be..." She sighed closing the door behind her. "You can't control yourself, can you?" I looked down "Only when the full moon appears..", "I see..." She didn't sound scared. Just sad.. "I have to leave, just for tonight.." She looked like she was thinking, after some time she looked at me "I have an idea", "Tell me" I hope it will be good "You can come to a party and leave when nobody is watching" Okay that didn't sound so bad. "And if they notice?" I had to see what could go wrong.

"Don't worry I'll handle that" I can't believe she'll help me. I knew she's great friend, but I thought nobody would ever help me about this matter. "Thanks.." I can't thank her enough. "No problem.. I guess I should go now, and don't forget to escape before you see the moon", "Yeah I won't, know something about werewolves?" she laughed "Of course!" that made me smile. Then she left. As I was standing in front of my house I noticed Corinne looking at my direction. I don't think she heard our conversation and I hope I'm right.

Later at the party

We were sitting in a cyrcle and talking. They seemed so happy. They were smiling and laughing. I'm so happy I had a chance to come and meet them. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head. Fishlegs looked at me "Hayden are you alright?" I waved my hand "Yeah, I'm just tired.." I tried to look normal, I couldn't see the moon yet, but the pain started to be unbearable. I noticed Willow looking at me with concern in her eyes. "Maybe you should go to rest...", "What?! It's still early." Snotlout started to argue again, but Willow yelled at him. "Shut up Snotlout!" I could feel my eyes changing color so I closed them. "Hayden you should go.." I wanted to answer, but I couldn't.

I stood up and started to go towards Max who was in the woods waiting for me. I noticed someone was following me, it wasn't Willow. This scent was different. I knew it, but I can't remember who it belongs to. I jumped on Max and he started flying away. I was barely watching. My vision started changing. I could see more sharp. As if the night became the day. The last thing I saw was an island. Max landed and I jumped down. I could feel the light of the moon on me. My body heat was growing and started to be unbearable. That's when my mind stopped fighting.

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