Part 12: Our Confession

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After those words I felt a metallic taste in my mouth. She just stood there, looking at me with horror in her eyes. "What? Y-you won't really do that, will you?" a sigh escaped my mouth. "You're going to..." she started to walk away from me, closer to the bars "Corinne.." "Don't! What will happen after that? You get free? Is that a price you have to pay for your freedom?!" she connected her back with bars as tears started falling from her eyes.

I just stood there, frozen in time, not wanting to scare her even more. "No, if that happens I won't get freedom. But if he tells me that I will be free.. You think I'd do that?" I looked her in the eyes and she looked down and shrugged. "I'm here because I didn't want my friend to get hurt" "It was Willow..." "Yeah, but I'd do that for anyone of you" suddenly she looked at me in the eyes, there was no fear in them anymore "Would you?" I found myself nodding "Of course" "Then don't kill me" I sighed, she can't understand if I don't explain her, but I can't... she separated from the bars and started walking closer "If you won't get freedom what's the purpose of killing me?" "Corinne..."  "You will stay trapped here alone" "You don't understand..." she stood right in front of me, looking in my eyes "Then explain, if you're expecting me to understand something then at least explain"

I looked back at her, she was right and we both knew it. "He wants me to kill you, but not this me..." her eyebrows narrowed "What are you talking about?" "There are two sides of me, this one, which you're seeing right now..and the other one..." she stood silent, allowing me to continue "he wants my other side to kill you" "You can't control it..your other side?" "No..not tonight" she looked down; sighing "I don't want to do it..." "I know, you're not a murderer" she was still looking down "Not by my choice" suddenly she lifted her head; looking at me "Can you promise me something?" "Depends about what it is" "If you get a chance to escape and go back to the others, don't tell them about what happened here, I don't want them to do something to you..."

I laughed a bit "Seriously, we're here, trapped, they want me to kill you in a probably most horrible way that exists and you're worried what will happen to me after that?" "Call me crazy if you want, but yes I am" I couldn't help but smile; looking at her "You're crazy.." she stared at me, her eyes shining in the darkness , soon my smile faded "I can't kill you...I will resist with every atom in my body even if it kills me, but I won't let myself to kill you" "Why?" "Because I feel something for you" my hand went on her cheek, rubbing it gently as I could "How can you hurt someone who means so much to you, if your heart beats faster every time you see or hear that person?" her warm eyes looked at me, giving me hope in this cold cage "I guess you can't..."

I nodded "Exactly, you can't, that's why I can't, that's why I won't" suddenly I felt something warm on the back side of my neck, she grabbed both sides on my face and pulled me down. Before I could react her lips touched mine, as if I'm drowning and she's trying to save me. Our lips moved perfectly together. I know if Jayden comes and sees us he would probably kill us the same moment, but that doesn't matter right now. My mind was always wandering around, but not now. Now I was here with her, not thinking about anything else, except how much she means to me.

Soon we had to separate and she looked down. My heart sounded like it's about to leave my body and I could hear hers too. After her breathing came to normal she looked at me again "I just wanted you to know that I feel the same" a sound of doors opening stopped me from saying anything. Jayden walked towards the cage looking pleasant. "So, lovebirds. Which one of you will say where are your dragons?" "Our dragons?" Corinne asked, sounding confused as I was. He just laughed "If you planning to escape I have to tell you to give up cause it won't work" "We are here, locked since we came. How can we know where they are?" "That's what you should tell me" something is odd. They wouldn't just flew away. "Well doesn't matter, anyway they won't be useful after tonight" he started to leave, but stopped in front of the door. "Oh how could I be so stupid? I almost forgot." "Forgot what?" a smile was written on his face as he looked at Corinne and me.

"Congrats on your, how should I call it..confession? Yeah, congratulations on your confession!" I raised an eyebrow "Our confession?" "Yeah, you were here for two-three weeks and today you finally admitted that you like each other. I'm so sorry your love won't least long. Actually it will least until, well you already know. Until you kill her." he laughed and left. I turned and looked at Corinne. I could see sadness in her eyes "He's right..." "Hey.." I walked closer to her and put my hands on her cheeks so she couldn't look down "I'm not going to hurt you, or anything worse." she looked at me, her eyes shining with tears "How can you know that?" "I promise" after that we connected our lips as warm tears escaped from her eyes.

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