Part 4: The Earth Swore To Heaven..

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I could hear screams again. People running. I felt helpless. Scenes running in front of my eyes with speed of light. Blood, chaos, fear.. I couldn't do anything. Again same scene. That bastard holding my sister with a knife against her neck. My blood boiling in my vains while I watched how her tears left traces on her cheeks. Everything happened again.

After I heard her scream I woke up shaking. My breathing was heavy and I could feel my blood running though my vains hurriedly. I leaned my head back on the pillow and let out a sigh. Then I realized that somebody was knocking on the door. I hurriedly got up, put on my shirt and washed my face to calm down a bit. When I opened the door Willow stood there. "Morning! I saw Max running outside so I thought something was wrong.." She looked at me with curious written on her face. "Morning.." that's when I realized what she said and my eyes widened "Where's he?!" I hurriedly looked around. "Calm down, he is with the others, playing" a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth. "Is something wrong?" I looked at her "No, I don't think so.. Why? Something happened?", "No, just you look like you were in the battle.." her blue eyes were locked on mine.

"Believe me, I feel like I was.." she chuckled "Why is that so?", "I just had a nightmare..", "I see.. Well I think we should get going!" I looked confused "Going where?" I don't remember we said we're going anywhere today.. "To the others.. Training time, after all you should tell us something about you.", "There's not much, really.." I lied, I couldn't say what happened there, I feel like my heart will break the same moment those words leave my mouth.. "Aw come on, there must be something!" She pouted, that made me laugh a bit. "I don't promise it will be interesting..", "Yes! Now let's go, they're waiting!" She said happily then took a hold of my hand, pulling me behind her whole way until we came to the others.

They were sitting on a tree that was demolished. "Willow I know how to walk, you don't have to drag me", "I know, but I had a feeling we'd never come if I left you to walk by yourself!", "Good morning" I turned and saw Hiccup and others looking at us. "Morning", "How did you sleep?" Snotlout asked, that's weird "Um fine.. I guess.." I couldn't not notice a smirk on his face, he is plotting something.. "Good, then you're ready for morning training" I raised an eyebrow. "You need to show us what you can do in a battle.." Astrid said with bored tone.

"You mean skills?", "Yes" Great.. "I want to try first!" Tuffnut yelled, but Ruffnut answered back "No way!" and they started to fight again. "Guys, guys, guys calm down.. I'll fight with him first" Snotlout said while standing up. Just great.. He came to me with deadly stare "This time Astrid won't save you.." Did he really said that.. "Just shut up already would you?!" She yelled at him "Alright, alright!.." he made a combat posture. I sighed "Come on..", "Don't say I didn't warn you.." with that he ran to me, almost punching me right in the face, but I quickly bent down so he fell over me.

Everybody started laughing. I have to admit, it was really funny. "I didn't even started" he said while standing up. "Then why don't you?" I said with a smirk on my face. He tried again but I was too fast for him. After some time he became tired. "Not in a shape?" I said while looking at him. "That's impossible...", "Can I try?" Willow asked and I nodded "Sure, I have to say that I don't punch girls-" before I could finish my sentence she attacked me. She was pretty strong for a girl, but not enough. After some time she gave up.. Twins tried too, but nothing.. Even Astrid couldn't do anything. Hiccup, Fishlegs and Corinne stayed the last, but Hiccup and Fishlegs said they don't need training and Corinne was just looking, I noticed she was surprised even if she tried to hide it..

I didn't say them about what I am because it was too soon and I didn't know how would they react.. But I can say they noticed that something is strange about me. It's just a question of time when they'll find out. Nobody can hide forever and as one of my favorite phrases says: "Zaklela se zemlja raju, da se sve tajne saznaju". On English: "The Earth swore to Heaven that all secrets will be revealed".

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