Part 32: Because Of Us

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Amelia's pov

He stood up, covered in blood, most of it was his. He looked at us with those bright ocean eyes, I could see my reflection in them. Somehow they became clear, like a glass. Then he started falling down, time seemed to slow down as his body hit the ground. I could no longer feel Jayden's men holding my arms and I runned towards him. I fell on the ground next to him, Willow and Corinne came too. His eyes were looking up, towards the sky, blinking once in a while. I took his cold hand in mine and held it tightly, I could feel his hand holding back. Corinne was sobbing while gripping his shirt. Willow was next to me, her face was wet of tears that were still uncontrollably falling from her eyes. I looked at his face again. His eyes were slowly closing, something died inside of me. His grip started to loose in my hand "You promised, both of us..." my voice broke while I was saying those words. I heard a breath leaving his body as his eyes closed completely.

Everything around me became numb. Corinne started to scream in pain. Her head fell onto his chest, her hands were still grabbing his shirt, now even tighter. Willow moved and hugged her, but she didn't let go of him. Then some people runned towards us, their faces were shocked, some of them started shouting and crying. A girl with a blonde hair and blue eyes went to Willow and Corinne, boy with chestnut hair and green eyes followed her. They tried to separate Corinne from the dead body of my brother, but she didn't want to let go, blood was all over her hands. They finally made her to stand up and lead her in unknown direction. Willow kneeled next to me and put hand on my shoulder. I could hear every word she was saying, but I couldn't understand it, as if my brain switched to another language. I felt my body being lifted up. She and another girl started to lead me the same direction they took Corinne. I didn't have a strength to protest.

They lead me to Berk, in unknown house, I guess it was Willow's. A girl with blonde hair and gray eyes gave me clear clothes and left me alone to wash myself. I don't know how long I was in that room alone, I lost a feeling of time when I heard his last breath. My vision was becoming blurry every once in few minutes, I couldn't stop tears from falling. I washed myself and took clean clothes on, I put my hair in a high tail, it was falling down my back. I sat on the bed and looked in the mirror to see my reflection, I couldn't recognize it. My hair was bright blonde, few blue streaks were much brighter to see. Teary green eyes were looking back at me. Something is hidden behind them, something what only few knows. Red circles surround them, clues which reveal my emotions. I was just sitting there and staring at the mirror until I heard knocks on the door.

I turned my head to look at a person who came inside. It was Willow, her eyes were also red. "I came to check on you" I nodded, I didn't talk for a long time, I don't even know if I can. She sat next to me "I can't describe how sorry I am", "I know..." my voice was low, shaking, like a broken glass, still connected, but one touch is enough to make it fall into pieces. "Rest for now, we will talk tomorrow..." with that she left. Same moment I heard the door closing my vision became blurry and hot tears started making my face wet again.

Five years later

The sun was warming my face, it wasn't that warm, but it was a little warmer than usual. The day couldn't be better. Dragons were flying around, vikings were having dragon races, everybody was doing their jobs with a smile on their faces. "Amanda we will be late!" Willow yelled at me "I'm coming!" I walked towards her "Finally" her reactions are making me laugh "You know, we don't have to be the first always!", "Yes, but if we won't, who will? Now come on!" we started walking towards Corinne's house. Kids were running around us with their little dragons. It was a nice view. "Corinne we came, open the door!" Willow started to knock on the door as if she wants to break them. Few seconds later Corinne opened the door with a smile on her face "Where's the hurry?" Willow smiled back "Where is she? Where is my little cutie?", "She's behind the house, playing with friends. We're celebrating outside this year, since it's a beautiful day" Willow gasped "Why didn't you say that from the beginning?" she hurriedly runned behind the house. I couldn't stop laughing "She's more excited than Marissa", "Tell me about it" we started walking behind the house.

There was a big table and kids were all around. A view that could make anyone smile. "Aunt!" suddenly I felt someone hugging my waist. "Hey!" I knelt to look at her better "Who's having a birthday today?" Marissa smiled widely "Me!" I nodded while smiling back "And how old are you now?" she pointed her little hand towards me "Five!" I gasped "Five? Already?!" I hugged her tightly "Time's passing so hurriedly! Soon I won't be able to carry you!" she laughed "Don't be sad, then I'll carry you!" it made me laugh "What? Repeat that. I want your mom and Willow to hear that. Listen everybody!" she giggled and yelled "When I grow bigger than aunt Amanda I'll carry her!" everybody laughed "Hey what about me?!" Willow came. "I'll carry you too!", "Aww my sweety" I gave Marissa to Willow and looked at her "Look what I have for you..." I took a shiny bracelet with a wolf head pendant and put it around Marissa's hand. She gasped "Thanks!", "Your welcome!" as I looked at Willow I noticed a spark of sadness in her eyes. "Who wants cake?" Corinne said and everybody runned towards the table.

Later while everybody was eating I noticed Corinne staring at blank. I put a hand on her shoulder and she turned her head towards me. "Are you alright?" I scanned her with my eyes so there was not a chance for her to lie to me. "Yeah, it's just...", "Just what?" Willow came and sat next to us. Corinne sighed "She reminds me of him... Every day, it's like I can see him inside of her" while she was talking I looked at Marissa. She indeed reminds of him, and how wouldn't she? She maybe has her mother's brown hair, but she has exactly the same eyes as her father. Deep and blue, like an ocean. I noticed few blue streaks hidden in her hair. Her smile reminds me of him when we were children.

"I wish he could see her, he doesn't even know..." Corinne's voice broke and she couldn't finish the sentence. I looked at her "What if he knows?" she looked back at me with teary eyes "What?.." I looked at Willow then at her again "I said, what if he knows, and is watching you two, protecting you from troubles..." nobody said a word, children's laugh could be heard around us. "This is how it ends.. Both died, they killed each other. Because of us. To keep us safe. Life isn't fair, it never was. The best people needs to suffer, it was always like that and it always will be", "Corinne..", "Don't.. After everything we stayed strangers, nobody can deny it, nobody can say we were something else, because we didn't. The only word that describe him and me perfectly is strangers."

Willow and I were silent, we allowed her to talk and we didn't interrupt her. Marissa was playing with her friends. My eyes wandered towards the woods. It was dark, shadows of the trees were dancing on the grass. For a moment I thought I saw something moving, I kept gazing. "Amanda?" I turned when I heard my name being spoken "Hm?" Willow was looking at me with serious expression "You alright? You looked like you got lost" I nodded "I guess I got lost in my thoughts for a moment" she nodded in understanding and continued to talk with Corinne. I turned my head towards the woods again, but this time I really saw something. Ocean eyes were looking back at me from the woods. His black fur is darker than the shadows surrounding him. Suddenly he looked at Marissa. He knows and even if he can't be near her, he will do everything to keep her safe and she maybe will never know she has a guardian angel, her father. That's my brother, he has friends, he has enemies, and he has strangers.

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