Part 3: Nice To Meet You

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Here we are, back on the begginning. Dragon's Edge. We came in their "base" or how should I call it? Everybody has their own house, but I noticed there are more houses than them.. "You should meet Fishlegs, Willow and Corinne" Hiccup said while we were walking around. "There's more of you?" That explains more houses. "Of course, they should be here, but it seems they aren't..By the way we have an empty house so you can stay there" I nodded "Thanks", "It's right there" he pointed on a house. It was big enough for Max to be there too. "Corinne's house is next to it so if you need something you can call her, but first you need to meet her"

"Agree with that.." I just hope she's not like Astrid. "Well you can go and check it, I hope you'll like it. Later we will all have dinner together so you will meet the others", "Great, thanks once again", "No problem, I will send someone for you..", "Okay..", "Feel like in your house", "I will" with that he left. Max and I headed inside the house. It was really big. Max started to jump around "All right, calm down, you don't have to break something first day.." that stubborn reptile just doesn't want to listen. I checked whole house, everything was in a perfect shape. I'm really thankful because they actually let me stay without even knowing me.

Time passed really quickly, I didn't even realize it was the evening when I heard few knocks on the door. I hurried and opened the door. There was a girl. Lower than me. She had curly brown hair that falls over her shoulders and big brown eyes. She seemed nervous. "Hi.. Hiccup sent me for you, it's dinner time..", "Thanks, I didn't realize it's the evening..I'm Hayden by the way" I offered her my hand as she shook it "Corinne..", "I don't know what they said about me, but I'm totally not a spy" I'm not sure what they said so I just wanted to make it clear I wasn't spying anybody. "What? No, they didn't said anything like that" she looked at me confused, but I was sure they will said that. "They didn't?" she shook her head "Well then..maybe we should go.." I said trying to shake off the nervousness in the air. "Good idea.." She started to walk and I followed her.

We came in a room with big table. Everybody was there. "What took you so long?" Hiccup asked while we headed to the table. "Just misunderstanding" Corinne said while she sat on the chair. Hiccup nodded and I sat next to her. "I'm Fishlegs, this is Willow and you already met Corinne" a boy with blonde hair and green eyes said while he pointed on himself. Then on a girl with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hi..welcome in the gang" she said "Hi, thanks.. It's nice to meet you, I'm Hayden", "Nice to meet you too" she replied. "Why is your hair blue?" Fishlegs asked while looking at me. "Oh you mean this?" I pointed on blue streaks in my hair. "I was born with it.." "Fascinating, I never saw anyone with blue streaks" I could see he liked to learn "Believe me, that's not the only thing weird about me.." Corinne just looked and me and we started eating. We had fish. I didn't realize how hungry I was, I ate nothing whole day.

Everybody seems nice. I learned something about everyone. Hiccup is the leader, Astrid is good on the battlefield, Snotlout is a braggart, Fishlegs likes to read and learn, Tuffnut and Ruffnut are stubborn and troublemakers, Willow is a smart one and Corinne, I have no idea about her. She seems so far away. I can say Willow is her best friend and they are always together, but I don't know anything else about her. That made me curious. Later I gave some fish to Max and he ate them all. He was pretty hungry although he already ate when we were on Berk. Current problem is that I can't fall asleep. I'm tired as a horse, but I can't sleep. There's so many things on my mind that keeps me awake. I close my eyes but nothing. I can hear Max is in a deep sleep. His breath is light. At least someone can sleep. After some time I gave up. I stopped fighting with my eyes and started thinking.

My thoughts were running everywhere. From thoughts about the past to thoughts about the future.. What was, what is and what could be. After some time my mind started to be blank. Finally tiredness won and I fell asleep.

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