Part 18: You Still Love Me

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I didn't sleep all night. Willow told me what happened after I left and I couldn't force my eyes to shut. All night I was thinking about last five years. How I spent them. Memories were flashing in front of my eyes. Finally the morning came and I got up. First thing I had to do is feed Max. That dragon just wants to eat. Later we went flying. I had to clear my mind since I didn't sleep whole night. It's nice to be back. Finally we came back to Berk. As we landed I saw twins arguing. They'll never change, will they? Seeing them really lightened my mood.

As I walked through the village I noticed people watching me. It felt somehow strange. I decided to see whole Berk since they "fixed" it after the battle with Drago. I was most amazed with the statue of Stoick, Hiccup's father. I'm sorry he's gone, he helped me a lot in the past. After I saw everything I decided to go back to my house. I still wasn't tired, but I'm sure I'll be dead tired before I go to sleep. Max is playing with the others, I don't want to bother him.

The sun is high and it's surprisingly warm for this time of year. As I walked past the houses I noticed a shadow following me. I stopped behind a house and waited. When the shadow came close enough I walked in front of it. A grasp escaped her mouth. It was no one else but Corinne. Of all people on this world, why she? "What are you doing here?" she was the first who spoke. "I could ask you the same question", "I asked first" stubborn as always, she didn't change. "I'm going to my house" she rolled her eyes "You know it's not what I meant"

I nodded "No, it isn't", "Then? Answer" I thought for a moment "I don't know. I guess I came to see old friends, to ask how they are..." she looked in my eyes "Nothing more?", "What more should I do?" she looked down "Willow told you, didn't she?" I nodded "She did, but why is that important now?" she sighed "You don't understand" that pissed me off "I don't understand what?! That you left me because of him? Because of my enemy?! Because of everybody's enemy!!" she shivered at the sound of my voice rising.

"He's not the enemy anymore..." that made me laugh. "Maybe to you, but for me, he will always be!" she nodded, still looking down "Now I'm sure..", "About what?" she lifted her head up and looked at me "You just returned here to hurt me" is she being serious "I returned because I extirpated you from my life" her eyes are empty, there's no light in them anymore "Now that you extirpated me from your life, then go Hayden. Leave again! Don't come in front of me...Stay away from me!", "You're the one who is following" with that I started to leave, but before I could she grasped my hand to stop me. I turned and looked at her and she looked back in my eyes "You're dying of desire to be near me... You still love me"

After she said that I abruptly put both of my hands on the wall near her head, trapping her so she can't escape. I lowered my head towards hers and looked her in the eyes "Indeed! I'm on the edge of my life because of you, Corinne..." I couldn't help, but let myself smile "Was that what you wanted to hear?" she stood looking at me, not saying anything "We demonetized that Hayden you want to see, five years ago. Everything is gone with him. And there's nothing more to talk about..." she looked as if she's going to tell something "I found it, I-!!" suddenly Fishlegs appeared, he stood silent when he saw us. "Am I interrupting something?" I hurriedly pulled back from her "No, you're not!" We said at the same time.

She caught "I was leaving anyway..." with that she walked away hurriedly. Fishlegs came closer "Um..I'm sorry for interrupting...", "Don't worry about it. There was nothing to be interrupted", "Are you sure?" I just nodded "You know she's Jayden's wife, right?" I looked at him "Fishlegs! Nothing happened! I'm serious","Okay okay, just checking...", "So what did you find?" his eyes widened "Right! I think I found the new abilities of some dragons", "You want to tell me?" "Yes!! Come, I'll tell everybody!" we started to walk towards the Great Hall.

He was the only one who saw that, wasn't he? "Um Fishlegs?", "Yes?" he was still looking at his notebook "About that what you saw...","Umm I won't tell them, don't worry", "Really? That's a relief" he nodded "I saw her following you, that's all" I looked at him "You did? Do you think anyone else did?" he shook his head. "No. But even if someone did you should be careful. You don't want Jayden to find out" I can guess what would happen then and it made a smile appear on my face "Um Hayden, what are you smiling at?" I shook my head "Nothing. Now let's go to tell the others"

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