Part 11: Fears Are Getting Real

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I turned and looked at her "Corinne? What are you doing here?" she leaned her back against the bars and looked at me "Long story..." she looked down and I answered "I have time" of course, we are trapped here in the dark. The only light was coming from little window in the end of the bottom of the ship. She sighed "After they took you we tried to save you, we fought again. But as you can see we failed." "Why they trapped you?" "Another warning, you were the first" I nodded, but I was still confused. I knew why Jayden trapped me, but why he needs her? "They won't kill us, right?" although the words that escaped from her lips were not easy to say, her voice was normal, as if she's not afraid of death m. "No, they need us.."

After that none of us spoke a word. I realized our cells are different. Corinne was in a cell of wood, but mine was made of something like steel. There's no way I could break it so I wasn't even trying. I noticed the room was becoming darker. The night was falling. I lost the track of time. Then I heard footsteps becoming louder. Jayden opened the door and came in front of my cell. He seemed happy. Although he had me, he couldn't tell me what to do. "How do you feel in your new home, friend?..." I looked at him, I feel like he can see my anger in my eyes because his smile faded. "I didn't want you to be too bored so I brought one of your friends to keep you company"

I stood up and walked closer to the bars to face him. "You can't keep us here forever", he looked at Corinne and laughed "Us?" he walked closed her cell and looked down at her. "Why would they wanted to save you, or even be friends with you? I thought people are afraid of you" She looked at him then at me. I didn't have an answer. They don't know. I tried to keep it that way even if I knew they'll find out sooner or later. "The Earth swore to heaven..that every secret will be revealed. Did I say that right?" he smiled while looking at me. I just stood there, watching him. I could feel Corinne's gaze on me.

I have to stay calm. "I asked, did I say it right?" now he sounded angry. But I stayed silent and just looked at him. I could see it was driving him crazy. "She will find out and others will too! Then you won't be able to deny it!!" with that he left. I walked back on the other side of the cell and sat down "What was he talking about?" I could hear Corinne asking. This was really unnecessary in this moment, "As he said, you'll find out" she stood up and walked closer to the bars which connected our cells "Hayden what is going on? Why he wants you to join him?" I stayed sitting down. "Because he wants everybody to be under his control. But that's impossible." "You know him from before, don't you? He called you friend" "Yes, but he was never my friend".

Later I heard footsteps again. Two men came and one of them put an apple in my cell "Dinner" I looked at him "What about Corinne?" "She won't eat, Jayden's command" I looked at her, she is in a deep sleep. "You seriously won't give her food?", "Jayden doesn't even need her, why would he feed her?" it was more a sentence than a question. With that they left. The door made a loud thud and Corinne woke up. "Who was that?" "Jayden's men" she nodded. I took an apple and put it in her cell "Here, you need it more than I do" I can't believe that bastard would leave her to die without food. She looked at an apple then at me "I can't take it" "Yes you can" "Hayden-" "Corinne just take it. Now is not the best time to argue" She took an apple "thanks" "anytime".

Two weeks passed since we came on this damn ship, in cells, hidden from the sunlight. They let us out only when we needed something. Corrine and I became closer, or I just thought that. She told me about herself and I told her about myself. I even told her how I met Jayden, but I didn't tell her what I am. I couldn't. I didn't want to scare her. Every day was same until I heard Jayden's men talking. First I thought it was a normal conversation, but then I heard those words: tonight is a full moon. Then I realized it passed a month since the last time I turned. This isn't good. She's going to find out. What if I break bars? I don't want to hurt her. I realized I was walking back and forth in my cell, but I couldn't help myself "Hayden are you okay?" I heard Corinne from another cell

I stopped walking and looked at her "No.." "Can you tell me why?" "Tonight-" suddenly the door opened and Jayden came with his men. A smile was on his face "Finally" he gave something like a sign to his men and they opened Corinne's cell. They took her out and put her in my cell. "What are you doing?" "Oh just making this easier, say goodbye while you can" then I realized, he wants me to kill her. "Don't do this.." "I'm not doing anything, you will, then we will see how cold hearted you are" with that he left. "Hayden? What was he talking about?" fears are getting real. I was afraid I'd kill her when she was in other cell and now she's here. I can't hurt her. I don't want to. I didn't want to admit it but I like her. I looked her in the eyes "He wants me to kill you".

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