Part 23: Never Spoken Words

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A week passed and Jayden came back. He didn't find out about an island because everybody thinks we didn't find anything so it's not worth mentioning. Right now I'm on a party to "celebrate" Jayden and Corinne's five years of marriage. What's there to celebrate? Everybody is drinking and dancing, I find it very boring. If Willow and Fishlegs weren't with me I'd probably die of boredom. Then Jayden and Corinne came to our table. "Are you enjoying the party?", "I don't know what should I enjoy about it" he laughed "Hayden, are you feeling good? It doesn't seems like you're happy because I'm back.", "Many things changed about me. One of them is feeling for time. I'll be happy when you go again" Willow gave me a "seriously" look.

Jayden's anger was visible in his eyes, he was staring at me like a psycho that's about to kill me each second. "I think you should go talk to the others, they are waiting for you..." Fishlegs tried to get him away from us, that was obvious. Jayden looked at Corinne "Let's go, this is our party, we should dance more than anyone here" he took her by a hand and walked away. "Hayden what did I tell you about it?" Willow whispered "What? He asked for it" she sighed heavily "I'm sorry, but I agree with Willow..." Fishlegs continued "You don't know what he's capable of" it made me angry. I don't know?! How can he say that?!? "You obviously don't know what I'm capable of" I could feel my eyes changing their color. Suddenly Willow grabbed my hand "Not now, not here..." I looked at her.

"Don't worry. I'm not planning to ruin their little party". I took a drink and looked around. Time was passing so slowly, a minute seemed like a year. As I looked around I saw Corinne and Jayden dancing. He held her close as if she'll escape if he let her go. I found it weird. A huge smile was on his face while her face was dead serious. Then he saw me looking at them. He lowered his head towards hers and whispered in her ear "Smile if you don't want anything to happen..." it's weird. How could I hear what he whispered? Was it my imagination? She looked at him as if she'll kill him then she smiled. Everybody could see it's a forced smile. "Come on, I know you can do better than that." she smiled again, but this one looked real even though it was fake.

"See, I told you...", "Hayden, Hiccup called" Willow said and I had to look at her. "Is everything alright?", "Yeah, I was just lost in my thoughts, as always" she nodded "Come on" we went to Hiccup. He noticed some dragon hunters near Berk and he wants us to check it so Willow and I left a party without anyone noticing. None of us complained because it was boring to both of us. "They should be here" she said "Are you sure? It seems like nobody is here..." I was looking around trying to see anything weird, but everything seemed normal "But Hiccup said he saw them" still I don't see or hear anybody. "Maybe they left... Let's go back, we will come back tomorrow"

When we came back it was late and everybody was already in their houses. We went to Hiccup's house and told him everything. While I was walking to my house I was thinking about a party, about what I heard. How could I hear him on that distance plus music was too loud. As I walked I was about to pass next to their house when I heard Jayden talking or better said yelling in an angry tone. "Five years! You know our deal, then why aren't you following it? You know it isn't good for them. Especially for her. The more you resist it will be worse for her. Now you decide is that what you want?", "I already told you! No matter that five years passed! It can pass 10 years, 20, even 30, but I'll never love you!

"Is that so?", "Yes!", "Don't forget, every wrong move and-","I know!! Leave me alone!" then I heard his footsteps towards the door, I hurried to my house. As I closed the door behind me, Max was looking at me with confusion. "Did I forget to feed you?" I started to walk towards a basket with fish then I remembered "Wait, I fed you when we came back or I didn't... What's wrong with me!?" He came to me and looked me in the eyes with confusion. I sat on the chair and hit my head against a table. "I'm going crazy" I can't stop thinking about her, about him, about them. I was right. She never said she loves him and now I heard her saying that. Why am I feeling so weird, as if I'm kind of happy because of that?. Every day I'm step closer, soon I'll know enough to destroy him  and he won't even have a chance to escape.

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