Part 27: Someone

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"I'm stupid. I'm so so stupid!" I walked back and forth while yelling at myself. Max looked at me confused. "How could I do that?!" I still can't believe I kissed her. Why the hell did I do that?! And she kissed me back without hesitation. I was yelling at myself until I heard someone knocking on the door. I opened and Willow came inside "How could you do what?" she looked at me and I stood frozen in my place. "Hayden?" I pulled a hand through my hair. "Uh you heard me?", she raised an eyebrow "You were yelling so loud I think all neighbors heard you" my eyes widened. "Well that isn't good..." her face was serious and her tone firm "What did you do?", "Do I really have to say?"

She crossed her arms and nodded "Yes", "Right now?" "Right now", "Maybe I.. accidentally..or not accidentally... I don't know...-", "Gods, Hayden just say it!!", "I kissed Corinne!" her eyes widened "What?", "You heard me" she heard very well. "Hayden are you serious?" I nodded "I wish I'm not, but...", "How that happened?", "Accidentally, really" she just looked at me and stood silent. "I know what you're thinking and that's exactly why I was yelling at myself" she sighed "What did she tell you? Did she slap you?", "No..." she raised an eyebrow "Then?" I hardly said next words "She kissed me back" she looked at me without blinking. "I swear, I don't know what got over me, I know it wasn't right-", "Do you have any idea about what you did?!" a sigh escaped my mouth. I knew she will react like this.

"Yeah I-", "No you don't! What if someone saw you?!", "Relax nobody was there" she started walking back and forth "This is really too much. Hayden you really know how to put yourself in even bigger trouble then you already are!" I sighed again "I know. I already told you it was an accident!" she gasped "What if Jayden finds out?!", "Well he will if you continue to yell like that!" she groaned in frustration "I don't know what to say to you anymore!", "Neither do I know what to say to myself! That makes two of us. Now calm down" she sat on the chair. I continued to talk "It's the best if we forget about it and-", "Would she forget?", "Will you stop interrupting me?" she felt silent.

"I will forget it and she should too. And don't you dare to talk to her about it", "What? Why not?", "Because I don't want you to. She won't tell you anything what I already didn't" she crossed her arms "Yea right..." I sighed and sat opposite of her. "I'm not smart Willow.." she looked at me "I agree about that" I looked back at her with seriousness written on my face "About what?", "About remember those cages I talked you about?" she nodded "Yeah, what about them?", "We found something..." I could see concern in her eyes. "In the woods..we saw, I think they were dragon hunters, and those cages, they looked like the ones we saw on that island...guess who was there" she thought for a moment than asked "Jayden?" I nodded "He is responsible for that.."

"What else?", "One cage was different, someone is trapped inside it.", "You said someone..." her voice became quieter. "He talked as if it can understand him, that's why I believe a person is inside, not an animal", "Then we must find out who it is" a smile appeared on my face "Exactly" a smile quickly faded when it hit me  "The problem is when?" she raised an eyebrow "You wanted to ask how" I shook my head "Not how, when. Jayden said he will come back. There are many of his people. We have to find out when they aren't there" she nodded to show she understands.

"Alright. Why didn't you just say that?", "I wanted to but someone started yelling at me because of something that was an accident" she started laughing "Alright, alright. I'm sorry" I smiled "Apology accepted" her face became serious again "How you found out?", "Corinne followed him..." we were silent for few minutes. Then Willow broke it "What are you thinking about?" I looked at her "Who could he keep in that cage? What if it's someone like me?" she looked back at me "Don't worry, we will find out who it is and we will save that person" she held my hand and smiled a bit.

Suddenly Corinne came "Hayden he's gone!" Willow and I hurriedly stood up "Who's gone?", "Jayden. He said he has some job to do and it can't wait", "Let's go there" suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back "We will go there and what then? You know he isn't alone. We don't have a plan" Corinne looked at me, I looked back at her then at Willow "Yes we do", "We do?" I could hear Corinne asking and I nodded. "And that is? It's not like they will just let us to see who's inside the cage" Willow said. "No, they won't. First we will wait until Jayden goes home then we attack" both of them nodded and we ran out towards the woods.

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