Part 5: Can You Keep A Secret?

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Almost a month passed since I came to Dragon's Edge and everything is great. Hiccup, Astrid, Willow, Corinne, Fishlegs, Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Snotlout, okay I'm not sure about Snotlout, but we're all great friends. I feel like I know them all my life, but the thing is that I still didn't tell them about me. It's just too early for that. I know I can believe them, but I'm afraid of their reaction. They'll probably try to kill me. I finally have real friends and I don't want to ruin that, even if that means I have to keep this secret from them. Tonight is a full moon. First full moon since I came. I should go somewhere where they can't see me until tomorrow.

"Is everything alright?" Willow brought me back into reality. "Yeah, everythings is fine, great actually! Why you asking?" I tried to sound normal, luckily she didn't notice nervousness in my voice. "You just seemed deep in your thoughts" she said while her dragon flew closer to Max. We are just coming back from Berk. The chief wanted to know if everything is alright and Hiccup is too busy so Willow and I went instead of him.

"I was thinking about how great friends I have here, the only friends actually.." As I looked at her she raised an eyebrow "That's all? I mean you looked so serious." I forgot how smart she is. That girl just knows when something isn't right. "You're right, that's not all..", "Then?", "Almost a month passed since I came here" I thought about that too so technically I wasn't lying. "Wow, you're right, I didn't even notice." She seemed surprised. "Yeah time is passing really fast..", "We should celebrate it! We can tonight since nobody is busy! " that's when I bit my tongue. "What?!"

"What, what?", "You heard me! It will be great!" I think I'm gonna die. They'll find out, everything will be over. Hopefully they'll kill me in my sleep so I won't even notice. Thoughts were running in my head with the speed of light. That's when I noticed a hand waving in front of my eyes. "Hayden, hello?" I shook my head and realized it was Willow's hand. "Huh?" I looked at her and she stopped waving. "You sure you're all right?", "Um yeah, I was just thinking again.." Gods I'm so dead. "So we should tell everybody about tonight", "Right I wanted to ask..does it have to be tonight?" she looked at me confused "Why?" of course she asked that. "I have some plans for tonight", "Aw come on! Is it that important that it can't wait?" she pouted.

"Well..." It can't wait, if their lives are important and they are it can't wait. "Well?" Gods this is killing me!! I have to tell her! If somebody will understand that's her. And even if she doesn't at least I won't feel like I'll explode. "Can you keep a secret?" I looked in her eyes waiting for her reaction. "Of course! I'm the best in keeping secrets, I mean, in a good way", "I will tell you my's unusual one, and you'll probably freak out and try to kill me-" I started talking really fast because of nervousness. She interrupted me and yelled "Hayden just tell me!"

"I'm not a human! I'm the beast that can kill all of you in few minutes!.." My mind was completely blank and those words just escaped my mouth with the speed of light. Her eyes widened a bit, but she didn't made a single move. "What are you talking about?" I could feel confusion and fear in her voice so I tried to don't scare her even more. "I.." I sighed and looked down then again at her. Her expression didn't change. "I'm a werewolf.." there was a long silence. I waited for her answer, reaction, even slightest move, but nothing. That made me confused. Then I heard a soft laugh and I looked at her. "That explains why you're super fast and strong.."

"Wait, you're not scared or mad?" I'm completely shocked. I mean she's the one who should be shocked! "What? No, of course not!" she was still laughing. That made me think "You knew, didn't you?", "No, actually I didn't.." She was serious again. "Then?..", "I knew something isn't ordinary about you first time when I saw you." That's unusual.. "So I was just-", "Waiting for me to tell you.." She nodded. "Will you tell the others?.." I had to ask, my head was burning while she was thinking. She looked around for some time then at me "No, I told you I can keep a secret and I will, don't worry.." a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth and she laughed a bit. "Thank you..", "No problem, but.." there it is, that but. "You should tell them..", "I know, but I also know their reaction won't be so good..", "You won't know if you don't try" I sighed. She was right as always. I have to tell them, the question is how?

"Alright, but until I do, please don't do anything", "My mouth are closed" she moved her hand like she's zipping her mouth. "Thanks", she winked "No problem" Well that end unexpectedly good... I'm still shocked. We're not far from Dragon's Edge. I feel better now when I told her. And I don't know how but it's like she understands.. Again thoughts about full moon appeared in my head. I can't stay near them when the night comes because I know that would be the last night for them..

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