Part 30: Promise Me

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I could feel my heart beating rapidly. My whole world turned upside down. He killed her in front of my eyes and now she is in front of me, alive, breathing and caged. My eyes scanned her, she looks so different. Her golden hair lost its color, now is dirty blonde and blue streaks are darker. Her body is longer and skinny, face is also different, it belongs to an adult person. The only thing that didn't change are her eyes. She has our mother's eyes. Green like summer forest. Even if she changed, I would always recognize her because of them. I know I should be happy because she isn't dead, but I can't. She is alive, but she's a prisoner. A prisoner to her killer. That isn't a life, it's worse than death. Questions were buzzing inside my head like bees. One question was in charge How? I remember every move they made that day and if there was any chance for her to survive she would turn into the worst version of our kind. She is wearing only a black shirt and dark blue pants. Somebody would thought she had a fight with a bear, but I know what actually happened.

"Why are you so silent? Don't you have anything to say to each other?" Jayden stood next to our cages. Words didn't leave my mouth, I felt like I lost an ability to talk. She was silent too. In fact everybody was silent. Willow standing next to me, Corinne standing next to Jayden and Amanda in next cage. I lost a feeling of time. Her eyes didn't leave me, she kept gazing as if she's trying to make sure I'm real. "Well.. I guess I'll leave you now. After all, I'm a busy man. I can't stand here and wait all day for you two to start talking" he pulled Corinne with him "And neither can she" she didn't protest. Her gaze was fixed on me, in the same time blank and full of sadness. His men continued to do their job and that is to go and check other cages. They knew we can't escape so there was no reason to stay and look at us.

Slowly Amanda pulled her arm through bars towards me. Instantly I held her hand and she held mine back. It was freezing cold, shivers were traveling through my whole body. I could feel myself shivering, but she didn't make a single move. When I looked at her better, only her eyes are a proof she's still alive. Her skin is almost gray, there's no color in her face. What did he do to her? "Is that really you?..You're here?..." her voice was angelic, if I wasn't holding her cold hand I'd think I'm dreaming. It was unrecognizable, I could barely talk "You're alive..." tears started falling from her eyes as she nodded "I thought I lost you..." my voice turned into a whisper. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I got confused. Why is she apologizing? "For what?" she lowered her head and started to shake "Because you almost died because of me..", "I survived because of you" she looked at me and I continued talking "You have no idea how many times you saved me" she held my hand tighter "I shot you, it was me.. I couldn't allow you to kill her. I-I didn't know...", "Hey, everything will be alright. We're alive, we're together. We will be free again", "Both of us?" those words sounded strange. Her hand was crushing mine, but I didn't mind. "Hayden promise me that both of us will survive", "I promise..."

Her grip softened. I turned and looked at Willow "Sis, this is Willow, my best friend. Willow this is my little sister Amanda" Willow came next to me and smiled at her. "I'm not little anymore!" for the first time since I know she's alive she smiled. She looked like a little girl I knew once. I couldn't help, but laugh with Willow. Then Amanda let go of my hand and shook hands with Willow. "It's nice to finally meet you" Amanda raised an eyebrow "Finally?" Willow smiled "Hayden spoke about you" Amanda smiled back and looked at me "I hope he didn't say anything embarrassing" I laughed "I would never do or say anything like that", "Mmhm" three of us laughed, as if we forgot we're trapped in cold, metal cages and not knowing when or will we escape.

Hours were passing while we were talking what happened since we got separated. Jayden thought about everything. It just made me more furious towards him. When I left he told his men to take her on his ship.

"They took me on his ship, I can't remember every detail, but I know I was lying on bed until I healed enough to stand up. Then he threw me into one of his cages", "Did you change since you..." I didn't know how to finish that question so I didn't. "Yes, every full moon, even yesterday. First cage was different. It was made of wood. But after I changed I broke it, so he found out it'll be useless to trap me in the same", "But how are you still-", "How am I still normal? That's the thing, I don't know. I should lose my mind and my human shape forever, but I didn't. And I definitely don't know how Jayden knew I won't die. He doesn't want to talk about it, not even a single word. I tried to find a clue in his words, but nothing"

"Did you ever try to escape?" Willow asked and Amanda nodded "Too many times to count" silence ruled for few minutes until she started talking again "Remember when you and Corinne were trapped and you were shot? Like I already told you, it was me who shot you. Jayden told his men to bring me to see your death, so I could know how you felt. When I came I saw you, or better said, your worse half, how it's trying to kill a girl I never saw before. She was looking at you as if she's trying to find lost soul in that black wolf body. I couldn't allow you to kill her, it was obvious she feels something for you because she wasn't afraid of the beast in front of her. I started yelling, but Jayden didn't want to stop you. His words were "Then don't allow him to kill her" one of his men gave me a bow and an arrow and Jayden whispered to me "You know what you have to do". I knew it's silver and that I don't have much time. I pointed to your leg, but you moved and it hit your stomach, after that you fell down. Jayden told them to take me away, but I fought them and gave you a chance to escape", "Why didn't you come with us?", "I couldn't leave his ship, one of his men opened a wound on my neck that still didn't completely heal and only Jayden knew how it will heal. So I was forced to stay there. I knew I'd see you again, but I didn't know it will be through bars"

"Corinne didn't want to tell me who saved me..", "I told her not to tell you", "Why?", "Because I didn't want you to come to trap yourself again while trying to rescue me" A sigh left my mouth "You knew I'd do that" she nodded "You're my brother, I'd do the same for you" I leaned my head on bars and sighed, I couldn't deny it. "Only about one thing I was wrong.. I thought you'll be married next time I see you..." I just looked at her "Yeah, well...seems like it wasn't meant to me", "You know she did that to save you, right?", "Yes I do", "And?", "And what?" she sighed "You aren't together?", "As you can see we aren't" she looked down.

Suddenly Jayden came, he seemed furious. He was holding a letter in his hand. I know that letter "You! You will curse the day you were born!!" Amanda and Willow looked at him then at me "Hayden what happened? What's written on that letter?" Willow asked and Jayden laughed sickly. "You don't know? Why don't you ask your friend? Wife stealer" his gaze was burning of anger "You won't get out from this cage alive! I swear, I'll destroy you, and everything you love and care about! Starting with her!" my eyes widened when he pointed at Amanda.

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