Part 25: Soon

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I sent a letter to Corinne, I didn't know how to start a conversation with her. Since that party she's avoiding me. Jayden probably threatened her again. I need to know the truth and to hear it from her. Finally I heard familiar footsteps coming in my way. Then she appeared. She seemed confused, but when she saw me her expression changed. Anger replaced confusion. She came closer and raised a hand with a letter towards me "What's this?", "A letter" she rolled her eyes "Obviously. Why did you send it? Without a name" a letter has only few words: For Corinne... Meet me where the woods begin. "Because I knew if I write it you wouldn't come" she nodded "Exactly. What the hell were you thinking?" I couldn't help but smile.

"What's so funny?" her voice was full of anger. "Your expression. You didn't know it's me who sent it?", "I had a feeling", "So you knew and you still came" she crossed her arms still holding a letter. "What are you trying to do?" I forgot how cute she looks when she's serious "Talk" her eyes were deadly staring at me "About what?" I looked at her to see if her expression will change "The truth" her eyes narrowed. "The truth?" I nodded "That's right. You matter how bad it is we should always tell the truth. Even if it hurts, it's better than lying..." she kept silent, her eyes looked down. "But still..some people would rather lie, why is that?" suddenly she looked at me "Because they want to protect the people they love" even through her voice was normal it was obvious that she's not angry anymore. "You'd rather lie than tell the truth?", "It depends of a person and how bad the truth is..."

"But someday they will find out, wouldn't they?" she didn't answer so I continued to talk, hoping for an answer "The Earth swore to Heaven...." her eyes were looking back in mine, but it was different, much different. "Tell me what do you know?" she finally spoke. "About what?" I played dumb. It always works if you want to find something more. She frowned "About so called The Truth?" I started to walk around her, I found it hard to stand in one place. "I noticed something weird in your behavior towards your husband... And of course it caused some doubts..." her gaze was following every my move. "I thought maybe it's just my imagination, but some actions proved that it's true", "If you already know the truth why did you call me?" I stood in front of her. "That's the thing. Even if I know the truth, I want to hear it from you." she crossed her arms again "Something tells me it isn't only that... What if you're just acting to know the truth when you actually have no idea what you're talking about?" it made me smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. You should know that", "As you said..that person died long time ago, so how could I know?" she's using my words against me "I don't think you have much time until your loved husband comes back so it would be better for you to start talking" it's starting to become irritating "I have nothing to say to y-", "I know you don't love him!" I couldn't stop my voice from rising and her eyes widened. "How do you-","The night after the party I heard you two arguing... It confirmed my doubts" she looked down speechless "I know why you married him..." a letter was squished inside her hand when she squeezed her fist. I made few steps closer to her "Corinne why didn't you tell me?" her head was still looking down. I noticed tears falling from her eyes. "Because..." she could hardly talk. "Because?" I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself. I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes were shiny from tears that left wet trails on her cheeks. She didn't close her eyes, instead she kept looking at me. "Because he would kill you.."

After that she fell silent. I was silent too. Five years passed, five years of lies. She ruined everything to protect me. Who was I angry at? Who should I be angry at? My body was still, but my thoughts were running all over my brain. I didn't know what to think. What kept me alive those five years? Was it revenge? To who? To man who took everything from me. Now I realize he didn't. There's still time and chance for revenge. But if I do that what would I get? It won't change the past, it won't bring back the dead ones. But it will change my future. A small light of hope sparkled inside my mind. I still had her, I actually never lost her. Then I realized we have been silent for a while. I really didn't know what to say and I knew she didn't too. She was still looking at me with those warm eyes full of tears. My mouth forgot how to talk then suddenly I hugged her. The time stopped. I could feel her hugging me back and I didn't want to let go.

I felt like I was dead until that moment, but I still wasn't alive. I was fighting to survive. She was sobbing and her tears fell on my shoulder, but I didn't care. I didn't even realize how hard she hugged me. I know it was hard for me, but I can't even imagine how hard it was for her. Slowly she moved away "I-I should go..", "Corinne wait" she turned her back ready to leave, but I held her wrist. "Why don't you leave him?" she turned to look at me "I can't..If I do he will hurt or worse kill you" I looked back at her and asked "Just me?" her eyes froze "I know that more people are in this" she sighed "You will find out everything. When the time for that comes", "And when is that?", "Soon" she walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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