Part 13: Waiting For Death

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Two hours passed since last time Jayden "visited" us. We just sat here in darkness, not saying anything. Deadly silent surrounding us. Corinne was holding my hand while she was sitting against bars. I was sitting near her, back pressed against other bars so I could look at her. I know what she's thinking about, shivers we're betraying her. Every five minutes she would hold my hand a bit tighter as if to be sure I'm still here. 

How will this night end? If I ever get out of here would my hands be bloody? How many people will be dead when I wake up tomorrow? Sound of the door stopped my thoughts. My eyes wandered to find a person who came. Jayden soldiers, but without him. One of them opened our cell. 

''Catch her'' my eyes widened. Few of them entered and took her out. ''What are you doing?'' a man closed the door behind them and locked it. ''Don't worry'' they throw her in another cell. ''Quick death wouldn't be fun, you will have to come to her and that will be fun to watch'' I stood up and walk closer to the bars, he made some steps back, away from me. ''You know what will be fun to watch? How I sink my teeth in your flesh while your blood is soaking the wood of this ship'' his eyes widened in fear. 

''And nobody will know that you ever existed'' he looked away for a second ''You're an ally of the devil'' it made me laugh ''The devil has nothing with me'' after that they left, leaving me and Corinne alone. ''Hayden...'' I turned to look at her. She was sitting down in her cell, not looking at me ''You wouldn't really do what you said, would you?'' she looked up at me and I looked back ''Someone had to scare them...'' she nodded. I know my words were worse than cruel, but they were true. 

No longer after that Jayden came. ''It's show time'' he didn't come alone of course. Coward. ''I decided to not make it easier for you. Your bad side will have to get to her first'' I just sat there in silence, waiting his next move. He was walking near the cell. ''I hope you said goodbye 'cause your time is up. Open it!'' Suddenly a sound of chains was heard and the wood above my cell opened like a door. White light lighten whole cell, hurriedly finding its way towards me. Suddenly my muscles started to convulse. 

I could hear Jayden laughing, he was enjoying in this. My head started to hurt unbearably. ''Hayden?'' Corinne's voice was on the other side, but it sounded odd. Everything became odd. My vision started to get blurry. ''Hayden!'' she moved closer to the bars that connected our cells ''On your place I wouldn't come any closer'' Jayden said, looking at me. I couldn't sit anymore, my body felt like it's trying to get out of itself.  ''Why are you fighting Hayden? We all know what will come, you can't win'' his voice sounded like echo in my ears. 

As I looked at my hands I noticed my skin getting darker. No, I can't let this to happen. If I do they're all dead. ''Hayden don't listen to him!'' ''Shut up!'' a loud thud was heard. That was it, I was lost. It won. My hands scratched against the cold metal floor. After some moments my senses became better. I could literally see their breathing. Hear their heart beats. Their names were forgotten, as if I never knew them. Their faces just normal faces without meaning to me. Without any good feeling towards them. Just fury and hunger.  My body started to bang the bars towards men. One had a smirk across his face. 

Then I noticed someone in another cell. It was a girl. She moved on the other side of her cell with fear in her eyes. I found myself trying to break bars that were connecting us. She just sat there with her eyes closed. She looked familiar, but I couldn't remember her name or anything about her. Right now she was just a prey in another cell. Voices were heard around me, but I couldn't understand them. My body was crusching against the bars, trying to reach her. I don't know was she screaming or not, her head was leaned against her knees. Waiting for death to come. 

''Kill her already!!'' it hit my ears like a bulled. Bars were becoming weaker every second. ''Stop this!'' a person came in the room near a man, but I didn't care. Right now all my attention was directed in a girl in another cell. ''Don't let him kill her! Please let them go!!'' For a second my eyes went on a person who was yelling. I couldn't see face, but by a voice I could know it's a girl.  A man whispered something to her, something I couldn't understand. Finally the bars broke. She lifted her head, looking in my eyes. There was something in them that made me to stop for a second. For a moment I could hear her thoughts. You're better than this. Don't let it control you. My mind was trying to remember, but it couldn't. I was looking for a needle in a haystack. A loud sound punched my ears, then everything started to spin. Her face became blurry and voices became silent. Darkness finally found me.

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