Part 19: A Warning

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Days passed since I came back. Days are unusual long. Nights are even longer. I can't sleep and I don't feel tired at all. I feel like a ghost, walking around in a circle. My brain still can't process that they accepted Jayden. How could they? He maybe promised he won't do anything bad, maybe five years passed and he didn't break that promise, but I don't believe him. Who would believe a person who killed their family? I wouldn't and I won't. Corinne isn't so much with him as I thought she'd be. It's like she's avoiding him, which is strange. Anyway it's their problem.

"Hayden!" as I walked through the village I heard Willow screaming my name with an angry voice. I turned to look at her, but she grasped my arm and started dragging me away. "Where are we going?", "Shut up!" okay she is really angry "Um what did I do this time?" she didn't look at me, she just continued to drag me into the woods "You know exactly what you did!" no I don't "Can you give me a hint?" she throw me away as we entered in the wood. "Okay will you explain what is going on?"

"You're the one who should explain!", "Explain what?! I don't even know what you're talking about!" she rolled her eyes "About what happened between you and Cori", "Nothing! What should happen?" she crossed her arms. "Hayden I'm serious. Fishlegs told me everything" I groaned "He told you what?", "He saw you two very close each other", "Of course, we were arguing! He came and misunderstood it" she sighed "Hayden she's Jayden's wife..." those words are irritating every nerve in my body. "I know that", "Then what are you trying to do?!" what's wrong with her? "Nothing!!", "It's not good for both of you to be close" I became angry.

"For the love of Thor! We were arguing! That's all! Nothing more happened!", "Alright.. I believe you" I nodded "Thank you!" she looked down for a moment "Stay away from her.." she murmured those words, I could barely hear her. "What do you mean?" her eyes looked in mine "Exactly what I said, you'll stay away from her", "Don't worry, you can tell her that I don't want to be near her neither." she shook her head "Just...stay away" I nodded. What's happening? She dragged me here just to tell me that. She could say that in the village, there was no need for all this. Something strange is happening. "Is there anything else you wanted to ask or tell me?", "No, that's all...", "Alright".

First moment we came in Berk Jayden told us to come. "What is the reason of calling us so suddenly?" I couldn't help myself. Every nerve in my body was telling me to kill him here and now. My teeth were in pain from the desire of sinking them in his throat. "Now that everybody is here I can tell you","Finally" others were silent, but I couldn't be. I had a comment on his every word. "As you know for a month will be five years since Corinne and I are together..." suddenly I felt like I left my body. Every sound fade away. Silence was everywhere. I could hear my thoughts, nothing else. Suddenly sounds returned", " what do you think?" Jayden finished talking. I guess he was talking whole time, but I didn't hear most of what he said. Everybody was nodding and I just looked at them. Jayden turned and looked at me "What do you think, friend?", "About what?", "About having a party to celebrate Corinne and mine five years of marriage?", "You can do whatever you want, that doesn't depend on me"

He faked a smile "That's what I wanted to hear..." I could hear he didn't mean it. He's saying something and thinking the opposite. He was hoping it'll drive me crazy, well he was wrong. Two can play that game. "If that's all I should go, some of us have business to do", "Yeah I should go too. See you guys later" Hiccup said and left. I also walked away. I found Max and flew away. It was slowly killing me, like I couldn't breathe. What was Jayden talking about anyway? What happened to me? My hearing disappeared. It happened never before. My head was full of thoughts, I couldn't even think right. Jayden obviously is planning something. And I'm going to find what it is. Willow told me to stay away. She just said it's not good, but how? The reason must be bigger. How many secrets are they hiding? How many of them are lying? As my mind was thinking about everything what's weird something hit me.

Five years in the past, that day when I stopped feeling my heart, Corinne said she doesn't love me, but she never said she loves Jayden. She just said he's the reason why she can't be with me. Now, since I came to Berk I noticed she's avoiding him. But he acts like everything is alright. Something doesn't fit. Jayden is behind this, everyone could see that, but if he thinks he can hide things from me, he's very wrong.

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