Part 2: We Can't Trust Him

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She dragged me to her dragon. It was light blue Deadly Nadder and it was a girl. "Catch!" she pushed me on the ground and the dragon catched my arms. "Is this really necessary?" I tried to look at her but she was already on her dragon's back. Suddenly the dragon lifted up and started to fly.

"Wait my dragon is there! I can't leave h-", "You mean this one?" I turned my head to where a voice came from. There were two vikings I saw before. Their dragon was holding Max in his claws. He just looked at me. "We will be okay, don't worry", "Maybe you should start to worry.. " a girl named Astrid said, her expression still serious. I lifted my head "Maybe, but I won't" she just rolled her eyes. "We will see that.."

After some time we landed on an island. Her dragon let me go but same moment she put my arms behind my back again. Max stayed with others while she dragged me though the village. People were looking at us. Of course it's so interesting to see a girl dragging a boy through the whole village. We entered in The Great Hall, I think it's called like that because I heard people saying it.

"Chief, we found this one spying on Dragon's Edge" she said as she pulled me in front of her, closer to him. He was a really tall man with green eyes and red beard all over his face. I can say he's in his middle ages. "Who's this?" His voice was rough. "He said his name is Hayden Thorston, but I'm not sure if that's true", "I'm telling the truth, my name is Hayden Thorston and I'm not a spy", "You were spying the twins!" she's seemed angry again.. "I heard an explosion and wanted to know what happened. That's all", "Why were you on Dragon's Edge?" this time a man asked so I turned to face him. "Trying to find a shelter", "Can somebody prove that?" I looked down knowing there's nobody who could say I'm telling the truth. "My village was attacked.. I don't know if anyone except my dragon and me survived.."

He just nodded "Alright, so you don't have a place to stay?", "No" I answered shortly. And he turned as if he was trying to think. A girl named Astrid was looking at him without a word. Suddenly he turned to face us again "He can stay on Dragon's Edge to learn everything you know.." her eyes widened "What? Why? We can't trust him! We still aren't sure if he's saying the truth!" okay somebody is panicking. "If he is a liar he won't end well, tell Hiccup what I said" she groaned angrily and pulled me with her. When we came out of The Great Hall we saw a boy running towards us. He was my height, with auburn hair and green eyes. He had a prosthesis leg. By his look I could say he is chief's son.

"I heard..what..happened.." he stopped running and tried to catch a breath. "Did you? Then you know he has to come on Dragon's Edge with us!" Astrid yelled as his eyes widened "Are you serious?", "How does it look like?" he just nodded and when he finally could breathe normally he looked at me and offered his hand "I'm Hiccup" I shook his hand "Hayden", "Where are you from?" that question hurted, I didn't know it will be so hard to say a name so I didn't. "Far away from here..", "I see, well welcome in the gang! You already met Astrid" he pointed on her and she just rolled her eyes. Then three vikings I saw before came to us "And these are Snotlout, Tuffnut and Ruffnut".

"We meet again, if Astrid didn't come you'd be just stain on the ground" I rolled my eyes "I believe..", "Okay..maybe we should go back" Hiccup said nervously, "Probably, I still didn't finish my explosion project" Tuffnut said, I thought he's kidding, but he was pretty serious "What do you mean your explosion project?!" Ruffnut yelled at him while they hit their heads with helmets deadly staring at each other. I just stood there looking. "Don't worry, they're always like that" Hiccup said while he headed to dragon's stables and we followed him. When we came Max ran to me "Happy to see me again?" He made a happy sound and jumped around.

Then I noticed another dragon near me. "Is that a Night Fury?" Hiccup nodded and patted his head. "Yea, this is Toothless" he seemed happy to see Hiccup again "I see you have a Deadly Nadder too" I nodded "This is Max, he is with me since I know for myself", "That's nice", "Let's go already, we don't have a whole day!" Astrid came and jumped on her dragon. "She can be rough sometimes" Hiccup said and jumped on Toothless "I noticed" with that we started to fly toward Dragon's Edge.

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