Part 9: Company For Walking

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Few days later I was walking through the woods. Everything was quiet, too quiet if you ask me. The sun was shining and it was quite warm. Beautiful day. Suddenly I heard something breaking.
"Somebody!? Help!!" I heard familiar voice and run towards the place where it came from. When I came I saw Corinne holding for the branch on high tree. "Corinne? What are you doing up there?!" I looked at her confused.

"Oh, just looking the view you know.." She was sarcastic. Really, in this situation? "Yeah right, how you get there?", "I climbed, obviously.." the branch started to break even more. "Little help?.." She didn't dare to move. I had to think of something quickly. "Okay this will sound crazy...jump" I could see her eyes widened. "Are you serious?! I can die!!" She yelled while she was trying to hold the branch tighter. "Come on, I'll catch you!" I can't believe what I just said. My own words surprised me and by the look on her face she was surprised too.

"If I wanted to jump I wouldn't call for help!" I sighed. Why is she so stubborn?! "Corinne the branch is breaking, you're gonna jump, or you'll wait for the branch to break and fall down!" She thought for a moment then sighed "Alright, but if you don't catch me and I die, I'll kill you!.." I laughed. Like that's possible. "Trust me.." I said while looking at her. She closed her eyes and let go of the brach. She screamed as she was falling. I stood under a place where she should fall and quickly catched her. She was light so it was easy to catch her. "See? You're still alive and safe" her eyes were still shut. "I'm not dead?" I laughed "No you're not.. Now you can open your eyes.."

A sigh of relief escaped from her lips as she opened her brown eyes. "Thanks.." she murmured it while she looked down. "No problem..", "You can put me down now.." She said and just then I realized I was still holding her in my arms even if she isn't hurt. I quickly let go of her and she stood on the safe ground. "Sorry.." I said and scratched the back of my neck. This was so embarrassing for me and I believe for her too "It's okay.." She looked away, I could notice slight blush under her cheeks.
"We should go back.." I said and she nodded. "You still didn't tell me what were you doing up there?" I had to ask and she looked at me. "I told you I was looking the view.."

And she expect me to believe in that.. "Corinne..", "I'm serious!" Her voice raised a bit. "Alright, alright" I raised my hands up in air to show I'm giving up. "Anyway why you were there?" I didn't expect her to ask me that "I heard you screaming for help so I came to save you.." She laughed and I raised an eyebrow "I meant what were you doing in the woods before?", "How do you know I was in the woods before I came?" She looked at me "You wouldn't hear me if you were in the base, would you?" I looked back at her "Um no I guess I wouldn't" She smiled, I feel like I'm gonna melt by that smile. "See?.. So?" I shook my head a bit, trying to get back in reality. "I was just walking around..", "You like being in the woods?" I could notice curiosity in her voice . I nodded "Yeah, it feels somehow safe..", "You like walking alone?" Okay where is this going? "It's not that I like to walk alone, it's just that I still didn't find company", "Well looks like you did.." I looked at her "You mean you?" I asked and she nodded "Yeah, I mean if you want to, you don't have to if you don't..", "That's actually a great idea, I'd like that" She smiled again.

It was almost the night when we came back in the base. Everybody was having a dinner. "Look who decided to came back.." Tuffnut saw us first then everybody turned around at us. "What's going on?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at all. Corinne sat next to Willow and I sat next to her. "You weren't here whole day, neither was Corinne" Snotlout sounded angry. "I'm sorry I didn't know you have to know every our move" now he looked angry, why does he care where we were? It's not his business. "Alright, calm down and eat" Hiccup said and we started to eat our dinner.
After dinner all of us went to houses. I can't sleep. I'm lying in bed more than two hours. It's 1 am. Max is sleeping, lucky him. I found myself thinking about yesterday. About Corinne.. I almost melt when I saw her smiling. She looked so innocent. Almost like a child. There's some warmth in her brown eyes. I shook my head trying to shake off thoughts about her. Suddenly she became the main theme in my mind. I continued to think, but tiredness came and win.

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