Part 22: Stories For Goodnight

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We didn't speak more about that island whole way back. When we came back instead of going to Hiccup I went to my house and sat on my bed. He will ask what I found and what am I going to tell him? I told them not to talk about it with anyone. Is it right? To hide things, especially this kind of. I heard door opening. "Can I come in?" Willow asked, her voice more silent than usual. I nodded. She made her way towards me and sat next to me "Are you alright?", "I'm not sure.. I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling right now" she looked down "What did it tell you?" I looked at her "What?" she looked back at me, her expression showing she's confused "What made you so worried? You're silent more than usual. Everybody would find it weird" I looked down again. "Whatever was within that cage, obviously did something unexpected" I stood silent, she was the only one talking "I did as you said, I didn't tell anybody about it. Why don't you at least explain?"

"I told you already. Those cages are made for monsters" her face became more serious "What kind of monsters? I never heard anything like those sounds. What is making them?" As I stood up a sigh escaped my mouth and I looked at her "Why do you want to know so badly?" she stood up too "Because I want to know what it is! You can't keep me in ignorance. Especially if you want me to be silent. Why you don't want to tell me?", "I'm not sure... It's not a story with a happy end" she sat again "Doesn't matter... So are you going to tell me"

"Fine" I grabbed a chair and sit looking at her. "When I was little my father was telling my sister and me stories. Real stories about monsters. Everybody thinks we are monsters by ourselves, but actually humans are who made us like that. Not so long time ago one of us fell in love with a human. She loved him back, but it didn't last. She betrayed him and he got killed. At first everybody thought he is dead, but he wasn't. He turned into his wolf form and never turned back. We can remember our kind when we are in wolf form, but he couldn't, he wanted to kill everybody. Nobody could read his mind, it was a black bottomless hole. Mad wolf is a danger for everybody around it, even for itself." she kept silent so I continued to talk.

"Another one, it happened few years later. It's about a girl who fell in love with a human. But this time he killed her. He thought she's dead so he left her inside the woods. When she woke up she was like a mad wolf. She didn't remember or recognize anything and anybody. She started to kill everything she saw, nobody could stop her. One day both of them dissappeared. Members of the pack searched everywhere until they found them, locked inside those cages, where they can't hurt anybody but themselves. Those sounds belongs to wolves who are like them" her expression was blank and her face pale. "So if you get killed...", "It doesn't mean I'll become like them. They had something familiar. Both of them fell in love with humans and they got killed by humans. But none of them was buried. Moon could affect them" she nodded "Did you recognize a person who was inside?" I shook my head "It's not a person anymore. Even if after they turned, their eyes are the same as in their human shape, but still I don't know who it was"

"Who made those cages?", "I really don't know that, but one is for sure. My kind didn't. It has silver parts, nobody would touch it and even less made it to trap our own" she nodded "Yeah, that makes sense" suddenly she looked at me with fear in her eyes "What if Corinne asks the same?", "Then tell her to ask me, but I doubt she will do that" she nodded and stood up "..I should go now. See you tomorrow" she started to go towards the door and I followed her "Now you know why I didn't want to tell you..." suddenly a playful smile was written on her face "Yeah, and I'm sure you had a great childhood if you listened to stories like that before going to sleep" I rolled my eyes playfully "Yea, yea I know" she laughed then her face looked as if she remembered something "Oh I almost forgot! Hiccup wants to talk with you tomorrow" I nodded "I think I know about what, thanks for telling me", "Goodnight", "Goodnight" she walked away. It's late, everybody is in their houses at this time, cold wind is biting my skin, but it doesn't have much effect on me. Then I noticed someone watching me. My eyes went in direction where Corinne was. She stood leaned against her house, looking at me. She was spying, she heard every word I said. I heard her steps, but I didn't want to tell Willow. That's how I know she won't ask anything about what we talked. I find it better, I don't have to talk to her. Soon I walked back inside, I don't know how long she stayed outside and I don't care. I just want her to stay away from me and my life.

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