Note by the Author

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Have you ever driven or walk past a teen sitting on the side of the road, clearly homeless? Or seen the car under the bridge where a family who once had Christmas around a tree and a nice warm fire are now struggling to make ends meet?

In 2016 it was reported that over half a million people that we know of in America alone was homeless, sleeping on the streets, living in cars, or in homeless shelters. 

34% of these homeless people were aged under the age of 24, and 80% of the age group between 12 and 21 was already struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. 

57% of these teens went at least one full day a month without any form of food and at least 20,000 of these children get forced into prostitution by human trafficking each year.

In total around 1.7 million teens experience homelessness each year in the USA, luckily in most cases it is not permanent, although the number that remain homeless is staggering. 

Around 40% of homeless teens identify as LGBT.

Yes, I can give more statistics that can span over pages and pages, although I think the above mentioned is enough to bring about the seriousness of the situation. Therefore in this story I would like to explore the situations that a teen like this has to live through while still trying to live the most normal life he possibly can. 

This story is also to bring awareness, with the hope that we will look past the exterior, not avoid eye contact and lend a helping hand - no matter how small or insignificant it might feel to you.

As someone with first-hand experience and knowledge, this is a story I have wanted to tell for many years, and now, finally I am ready to write a story about a subject that is so very close to my heart. Yes, it does get better... sometimes... So, my hope is that it will get better with each and every teen out there who are out in the wind, believing that tomorrow the sun will shine and bring with it a ray of hope.

This story is dedicated to anyone who had at some point in their lives experienced homelessness, no matter the reason. And above all, to those still struggling to get back on their feet. 

Join me on this journey of sadness, love, depression, and also hope, faith and love. Remember to vote, comment, share, and add to reading lists. Even if we reach one person that needs a story with a happy ending to give them hope, we have done so much together.

With love,

C.A. Kerst

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