About This Story...

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Hi everybody!

Firstly I would like to get this out of the way first... I normally say thank you with each and every chapter, or if I don't I express my thanks at the end of the story. This time however I would like to change things up a little bit. A "thank you" sometimes becomes so repetitive and I want to make sure that I truly mean every word that I say. Therefore I would like to thank you, the reader right here and right now.

As a reader you are giving me, the author, the most wondrous gift a reader can give. Something worth more than spending money on a book, or sending a message of thanks (although I love those and I do reply to every single one). You are giving me the gift of time. The most precious gift there is to give. You are taking time from your day to go on a journey with the characters I have created and will be living with every day for the foreseeable future. So thank you so much, reading, voting, leaving a comment, and even sending an inbox message means the world to me. You keep me going and make sure that I continue to do what I love doing, which is to write. An author is nothing without readers, and I know and understand that completely.

So thank you so very much for reading! It is appreciated more than what I can express in words. With my previously written stories here on Wattpad I have made amazing friends, gotten wonderful comments when the idea to stop writing crossed my mind, and received messages that put a smile on my face when I have been at the point where I did not even want to get out of bed.

Talking about previously written stories here on Wattpad... I have two. The one is called "Listen Before You Speak" and was the first ever book I completed in English. (My native language is Afrikaans.) The second one, which is very close to my heart because just as this one there is a lot of truth buried within the story itself, is titled "Behind Drawn Curtains". I invite you to check them out, have a good read and let me know what you think. Both has recently been printed out, and with a red pen and a Beta reader or two I am editing like crazy so that I can update them to make them an even better reading experience for each and every reader. I hope to be done with that soon.

Each of the stories I write has a core to it, something that I feel passionate about and would like to change in the world. In my previous story "Behind Drawn Curtains" I have addressed the issue of sexual abuse, something that happens too much in our broken world. It destroys lives, and in a lot of cases even ends them. My hope was firstly to reach kids who are in positions like that, but also to make everybody else aware of the horrors that do go on behind closed doors. If you have read it, or are planning to read it I ask one thing. Please be alert of these horrible events taking place. You might be able to become a voice for someone who cannot talk about it themselves and save themselves from their situation.

"Out in the Wind" is just as close to my heart for many a reason. I know how it feels to pack your belongings in boxes, not knowing where you will end up when night falls and the cold starts sneaking in. It is the most powerful and horrible feeling one can have. It is not always a choice to be homeless. It is in most cases not about poor decisions, being lazy and not working, or even about drugs, alcohol or gambling. Sometimes it is just circumstances not within your control. Not everybody has family and friends to turn to, and in cases like these I know that family and friends so easily turn their back on you, pretending they don't know what's going on even if you knock on their front door. A wonderful Wattpad user that came in contact with me told me how she had once walked past homeless people, avoiding eye contact because if you had eye contact with a person in that situation they will expect something, and when you do help them they will expect even more on a regular basis. She has changed her view by asking herself the question – what if she was on the other side of the fence? What is she was the homeless one? A person in a situation like that has already been through a lot, but not just that, they had to shove their pride in their pocket and beg for something to eat. I am not saying there isn't scam artists out there, but I believe if only one person I have helped really needed it I still made a difference, no matter how small. Sometimes money isn't even required. A smile, a kind word, and sometimes a hug can go a long way. I have fortunately never been at a low quite like that, but I know people who have. I have listened to their stories and I have seen the tears. I would like to thank that one Wattpad user for her open heart and wonderful soul.

@Chloe_Pont – if nobody else ever thanks you for your way of thinking and your generous heart, I would like to tell you that I am thankful on behalf of every person you will ever help, even if it is just by sharing this story and educating people. You are making a huge difference in the world!

Now I need to stop rambling so much. I have done it for far too long and kept you from getting to the beginning of the story of Cory. I hope you enjoy his tale and that he will crawl into your heart in the same way he has crawled into mine.

Once again thank you so much for reading, and please help me get this story out in the world and tell the tales of real life to anyone willing to listen/read about it. In advance I thank everyone for every vote, comment, share, and adding this story to their reading lists. I will forever be grateful to you.

Love and light,

C.A. Kerst

Out in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now