Chapter 34

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My eyes scan the park, but I know that I won't find him here. It's much to early and the chances that he will be here before the sun sets isn't great at all, yet I go and sit on Dumbledore's bench, waiting patiently, trying to run through the last twenty-four hours in my head. I have helped someone who might become a friend. I think I have truly lost a good friend. And on top of it all I have given my first actual blowjob and I kinda enjoyed it. Sure, it's not like I got anything in return, but that wasn't the idea at all. I wanted to make Patrick happy. I wanted to be in control. And for once I was.

The phone vibrating in my pocket takes my mind away from my crotch that seems to be tenting against my shorts.

"Mom?" I answer.

"Cory? Where are you?" she asks. She doesn't sound good at all.

"At Mandy's," I answer almost automatically, not even having to think about lying. It's weird how easy lying becomes when you are homeless and you have so many things to hide. I remember how hard I found lying when I was younger. I knew it was wrong and it was written all over my face. You could even hear it in my voice. And here I do, not even have to think about what I say anymore. It comes almost naturally.

"Don't lie to me Cory," my mom says.

I can feel myself getting cold all over. I know I'm not friends with Mandy anymore, but I didn't think she'd betray me.

"I'm at a friend," I answer. "My boyfriend."

I feel bad about lying but maybe if I tell the truth it will make everything okay again.

"I'm coming to pick you up. Text me your location," she says. There is something in her voice that I am almost afraid off. I don't know exactly what it is, but she seems almost too calm. The mom I know would have shouted at me. Reprimanded me for being a liar. Yet she says nothing of the kind.

"Not now mom. I have something I need to do. I will call you tomorrow morning. Or I will come to Aunt Barbara's house," I offer, my breath getting shallow almost as if I am telling another lie, but I know I mean every single word I say. The only thing that would stop me from keeping my promise would be if I were to die somewhere in the meantime.

"No Cory. I am coming to get you right now. Where are you?" my mom asks again. "I need you to send me your location. Now."

"Mom. Please. I have stuff I need to do. It's important," I say, scanning the park again for any sign of Dumbledore.

"Cory. Listen to me and listen closely. We need to talk. We need to make plans for the future and we need to do it right now. There's no time to waste," my mom says and for the first time since I answered the phone she sounds full of emotion. Almost as if she is trying to keep back a hysterical fit.

"What's going on mom?" I ask, trying to keep myself calm. I need Dumbledore here now. He will be able to tell me what to do. Whatever my mom says next, he will have some advice for it at least. I am sure of it.

"I can't talk now. Let me know where you are and I will come and pick you up," she repeats herself.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Listen Cory. Send me a text. I need to go. We all need to go. We can't stay here anymore, okay? We need to find somewhere where we can get on our feet again," she says. It sounds like she might be crying on the other side, but I can't be sure.

"But the job mom? What about the job?" I ask.

"There's no job anymore. Now text me Cory. I'll come and get you and then we get the hell out of this damn town," she says and this time I can hear she is crying on the other side.

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