Chapter 40

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The shooting star going overhead makes me feel like a kid again. A small kid at least and that's something I haven't felt in a while.

I can't help but standing up from the semi-wet grass I have been sitting on in Mister Watson's backyard, balancing on one leg and closing my eyes, wishing upon a star for probably the first time since I was six years old.

"I wish, I wish that everything can work out for us for a change. I just want this place to be the last place we sleep until we can find a home again..." I keep quiet for a while, not sure if I want to make the next wish or not. Not wanting to jinx my second wish I decide not to make it.

"Wishing on stars?" a voice says behind me.

I look at Mister Watson, but he isn't looking at me. He is staring up into the skies, almost like he is trying to count the stars.

"I know it's stupid," I say and I am glad it is dark outside, otherwise he would have seen me blush.

"I still wish on stars sometimes. There is nothing wrong or stupid with having a little bit of faith in something," he answers not looking at me, his head still raised toward the skies.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask and this time he looks at me before he slowly nods. "Are you helping us just because of what happened between you and me?"

"Why don't you sit down Cory?" he asks as he lowers himself onto the grass, sitting with his legs crossed.

I lower myself and sit across from him, looking him in the eyes, questions all over my face.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, and sometimes I do things I can't really explain. So I will try my best, and I am sure you probably won't understand it, because I barely do, but please try and keep up with me, okay?" he answers.

I smile, nodding for him to continue.

"You remember I told you there was a guy I was once in love with? Well, he was probably the person with the kindest heart I have ever known, but we didn't exactly start out that way. Sam and I were young and in love and totally wild. We used to go out to crazy parties, sometimes do drugs and drink a lot. He was this real emo type of guy. I was your typical average Joe. But I looked up to him. He had the guts to do everything he wanted to do. I didn't exactly. This didn't stop with wild parties. Later in his life he would adopt a teenager whose parents landed up in jail for murder. He was also a teacher and this was one of his students. This kid's boyfriend was the one who was killed, also another student of Sam's. He had the guts to do what I never could. He manned up and did something so incredible, taking in a kid with so many problems and in his way he probably tried to glue the poor kid together again. Sam died a while back, but not before seeing the kid he adopted become a famous author. I always admired him for that and I have wished upon stars so many times to bring me someone I could help. The last time I spoke to Sam, just before his death, I asked him what was his fondest memory, hoping that he would say it was me. Instead he told me that the day Elijah walked into his life and changed it is the fondest memory he will cling onto until his dying breath. He told me that he thought that he was Elijah's hero, but in the end helping Elijah helped him even more and so the kid he adopted became his hero. Well... That's at least the short version."

For a moment while Mister Watson was talking he seemed to tear up a bit, so I looked away in case he wanted to cry, but he finished his story without doing so. Although now that I am looking at him again his attention is turned back to the stars.

"So I'm not just some charity case?" I ask.

"I'm doing this for Sam just as much as I am doing this for you and myself," he answers, looking at me again. "Cory, you need to understand that I have made many mistakes in my life. I let go of the man I loved the most because of guilt. I can live with that. I can live with the guilt that I shocked my dad to death even. But I won't be able to live with the guilt of Sam's voice telling me I should have helped you if I walked away. What I am doing is not charity. It's supposed to just be love and human nature."

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