Chapter 42

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"Perfect now?" Patrick asks as I look around the room.

Besides for the bare walls I do like it. It's not really anything like my old bedroom, but it feels like home, especially with my books surrounding me, even if they are packed in stacks on the floor on the one side of the room.

"Yeah... The walls look a little bit bare," I answer. "But that doesn't matter. It will come in time."

They say time flies, but I had no idea how quickly six weeks would pass in the blink of an eye. Mister Watson swears it's because I have been putting in every available minute into my schoolwork, trying to catch up on everything I had missed while I was busy skipping school.

"I can fix that baby," Patrick says as he stands up from the mattress in the corner, my makeshift bed until we can afford to buy a proper one.

"What do you mean?" I ask a little bit confused as he reaches for his backpack, opening the zip.

"The bare walls," he answers as he pulls out his polaroid camera.

"You just had to get the pink one, didn't you?" I laugh a little bit. He had been wanting a polaroid camera for a while, but I didn't know he actually went to go and get one.

"I like to be different. I think pink might just become my happy color," he says with a bit of a grin, pushing his hair out of his face as he walks over to me.

"You're crazy," I say with a giggle as he pulls me closer and kisses me in the neck.

"Now kiss me," Patrick says to which I immediately oblige.

The sound of the camera makes me stop kissing him and look up to where he is holding the camera a little bit away from our faces.

"I wasn't ready," I complain, sticking out my tongue to Patrick which earns me another quick kiss for some reason.

"Then smile for one," he says, pulling his face close to mine. We smile, and I can truly say that my smile is real as he pushes the button, making another photo slip from the camera.

"And now a crazy face," he says and I immediately answer by sticking out my tongue while Patrick pulls a crazy face with his mouth open before he pushes the button again making a third photo whirr out of the camera.

"I love you," I mutter, kissing him on the cheek again, falling onto my mattress and looking at the room around me. "You know, I didn't think I would have my own room again so soon."

"Yeah well. It just comes to show..." Patrick says as he walks over to the mattress as well, lowers himself on his knees and starts putting up the three photos above where my head would be resting tonight. "Does the walls look a bit better now?"

"Perfect," I answer, smiling at the Cory and Patrick kissing, the ones who are smiling, and the two who are pulling crazy faces back at me.

"Now come here," Patrick says as he pulls me closer, moving my body so that I am laying on top him, feeling his palm press against my back, his other hand moving up to my neck.

"We can't do it here," I giggle as he starts kissing my neck.

"Off course we can. This is your new home. Your new room. We need to christen it at some point," he breathes into my neck.

"Not with my mother unpacking my dad's urn in the very next room," I laugh. "These walls are paper thin and I can promise you I won't be quiet."

"I know... You're never quiet," he whispers, making chills go down my spine just as my phone rings.

"Let it ring," Patrick says as I reach over to pick up the phone.

"Can't. Could be Mister Graham. He said he was gonna call me if I need to work in for him tomorrow," I answer, but the number displayed on the screen isn't that of Mister Graham, but rather another familiar number I didn't think I would ever see on my screen again.

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