Chapter 11

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By the time I reach the mall I am tired to the point where I want to pass out. Chloe was still asleep so I didn't want to ask my mom to drive me here and wake her in the process since she obviously can't stay home alone. The entire week has taken its toll on all of us, even Chloe who barely has an idea what it was all about. I theorized that she might be feeling the energy of the sadness my mom and I have been carrying ever since we went back to the storage unit and started sorting through all our things, sorting out and then calling the man from the pawnshop to come and collect everything we were able to take out and sell, including some of my bedroom furniture, the majority of my book collection, the ones my dad didn't buy off course, and then all my mom's jewelry. She only kept the string of pearls which used to belong to her grandmother and her original engagement ring which she put on her finger to replace the wedding ring she had sold. The worst part for me was seeing my dad's old oak desk being loaded, but it had to go. Apart from the jewelry it was one of the most valuable pieces and it took up way too much space, and at the end we could fit was in two storage lockers into only one small one, which means we will be saving quite a bit of money on that as well. As a precaution my mom paid six months ahead in order to make sure our last few belongings can be safe.

I pick up my phone and text Patrick my location in the mall. I have decided to choose Bookstairs again, and although I am a little bit earlier I had decided to let him know I am already here. When I enter Bookstairs time flies by me and I'd rather not forget to message him lest he thinks I stood him up once more.

"It's been a while," Mister Graham says as I enter the store.

"Yeah... Things have been a little bit busy," I say as I scan the front of the shop, trying to see if anything new has come in.

"I understand. Though I have to admit I have been missing your visits to the shop," Mister Graham says as he stands up from behind the counter.

"I've been missing it too," I admit.

"Have you been reading a bit at least?" he asks as he starts rearranging the books on the counter to face the door, so that passersby can see what's on special.

"I've read the book you gave me twice already," I admit to him as I think about how much I am craving something new, but because of the circumstances don't have anything else with me.

"That's good. It is really a great book. The one that made me fall in love with reading, as well as your father," he says. He said that last time as well. I guess he's getting old and can't remember what he seems to be repeating anymore.

"Yeah... I'm just going to look around," I tell Mister Graham as I start walking to the back of the shop. Mister Graham is always so sweet, and on the other hand he can be just that little bit strange and creepy.

"Cory," Mister Graham says following close behind me and making me turn around.

"Yes Mister Graham?" I answer.

"How are things really going?" he asks. His face looks like a concerned grandfather.

"It's going great," I say as I try to bring my best fake smile to my face while I actually want to burst out crying in front of the old man. I want to tell him that I want to disappear from the earth because in less than half an hour my crush will be here and I think that my best friend has betrayed me in telling Patrick that I am homeless.

"I know your mom had to sell your house," he says. He puts it so nicely. Anybody who knows any detail about it must also know that the bank actually took the house back and auctioned it off to pay all the debt my dad raked up.

"Yeah. I'm missing the house a bit," I say trying to downplay things the way he is.

"Where are you guys staying now? How is your mom doing?" he asks with a frown as if he is thinking deeply. "She's such a lovely lady. Only met her a few times though."

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