Chapter 7

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By lunchtime I wasn't mad at Mandy anymore for making sure that I fell into Patrick's arms. Partly there were more pressing matters for me to focus on, but mainly she was still my ride home, and there was no way I was walking. As I have told my mother a hundred times before – being allergic to exercise was an actual medical condition!

My relatively good mood was also helped by the fact that my first day of school wasn't nearly as bad as what I thought it would have been. All in all it was very much the same as the previous year. Nothing much had changed apart from new teachers that I didn't know and one or two new kids. The rest was pretty much all the same and as a bonus we weren't do much work just yet. It was more about just getting everyone together and meeting our teachers.

"Did you see Mrs. Hamburgh? Oh my gosh! I never even knew that a woman's leg hair could reach that length," Mandy giggled as we made our way through teenagers pushing each other into lockers on the way to the cafeteria.

"Why were you even looking at her legs? Into girls now?" I asked as if I wasn't looking at the exact same thing while we were having class. I mean – I am all for being free and not shaving if you don't want to, but damn! That woman's hair has a life of its own.

"Fuck! I could not look anywhere else. On the up side, she seemed friendly. Maybe algebra won't be as bad as I thought it would be this year," Mandy said still giggling behind me.

"Because of the hair on her legs?" I asked.

"Yep! I will always be in a happy mood after seeing those," Mandy exclaimed.

"Just try and behave yourself a little bit better this year. We don't want a repeat of last year," I scolded Mandy, stopping in my tracks and turning to look at her so that she could see my frown.

"He was hot okay..." Mandy said, a slight blush moving up her cheeks.

"He was also 20 years older than you and married."

"It's not like I meant for it to go that far," Mandy mumbled as she diverted her stare at the floor.

As if he could hear that we were speaking of him the devil himself appeared with his flashing smile and tight ass jeans, walking out of his classroom looking like he just had a photo shoot for the cover of Rolling Stones magazine.

"Don't look now, but Mister Duncan is coming our way," I whispered to Mandy, hoping that my warning would be enough to keep her under control.

A few months ago Mandy was almost expelled and asked to move to another school because of the biggest gossip incident that had happened at the school in years. Charles Duncan was the sexiest, sex-on-a-stick music teacher that the school had ever seen. He might have been in his 30's but he looked not that much older than us. Mandy used to joke around that he looked just like Ian Sommerhalder in Vampire Diaries. I argued that he looked much more like Brian in Queer as Folk.

Every student in the school perved after him. Well, maybe not all of the jocks, but even the straight ones could not deny that he looked like a rock and roll god. Which was also the reason why Mandy decided that she needed a piece of that. So, without playing an instrument, or being able to hold a note for longer than 0.02 seconds, she decided to become a part of his class.

Long story short – she got obsessed with him and believed that every time he told her that she could not sing to save her life, he was in actual fact flirting with her. Which is sooo not true, considering that we could all see he wanted to puke every time she opened her mouth. So Mandy decided to start writing messages on his car with red lipstick to show him her love. She even went as far as writing him a song and serenading him at his house, with his wife trying to chase Mandy away with a broom. Her obsession only stopped after she started seeing a shrink whose advice she ignored, and off course the idea of being expelled and having to live out the rest of her days as a student at a school not nearly as nice as the one we are at.

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