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Dearest reader,

Wow... What a journey this has been for me...

I have never slept in a park. I was fortunate enough. But I have slept in a car... With my family... Behind a church because that's what my mom believed would have been the safest space. Armed response came to remove us. We parked the car at a gas station after that. It was one of the single most terrifying experiences of my entire life. It has become one of my biggest fears that I could end up like that again.

When I started this story I had a goal, and I hope it might have made you think differently when you walk down the street tomorrow.

That dirty face of that homeless teen. The teen prostitute we so easily look down on. The old man in the park with his trolley, staring into nothingness. They all have stories. They all had lives. They are all someone's child, father, mother, sister, brother... 

Believe me... Landing up in that situation is NOT always a choice. Sometimes it's not bad decisions you made that made you sit on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, trying to read a book by the light of a streetlamp to try and keep yourself sane and your mind occupied. Sometimes the cookie just crumbles that way where you have been in the situation a week, or a month, or even years and you sit and think to yourself that you are going to fling yourself in front of the next car that speeds by just to make it all end. There could be times, where just like Cory, the person you ignore because you don't want to deal with feeling of guilt, could be thinking about prostitution, thinking that if another person walks by, without leaving a cent in their rattling cup, they might need to sell their body and soul tonight just for a bread, or sometimes even a brandy to just try and forget the rest and fight the cold outside clinging to their skins.

This book has been one of the hardest for me to write. I got way too invested. I got forced into my own past, and that in itself was one of the hardest things I have ever done. 

But... I stuck it out. I knew I had to tell this story. If not for myself, then at least for the millions around the world who are involuntary looking up at the stars tonight, wondering what they did wrong to end up where they are, wishing for a shooting star to make it all go away.

I thank each and every one that has read this book to the end. You are all so very special to me. The comments has made me cry once or twice. I won't deny for a second that your heartfelt responses to Cory didn't bring tears to my eyes at times. You are all heroes, and maybe we can't change the world in a second, and maybe this book won't give the homeless homes or money in the cups they rattle. But I hope, and I ask, with everything in me, as the biggest favor I can possibly ask further from each of you, even though I know I have no right to ask this. Still I will ask... When you walk past that homeless person tomorrow, please don't try and look the other way. If at the very least you can just look at them and give them a true and genuine smile that would be enough. If you can walk up and give a hug. Even just greet and tell them that everything will be okay. Sometimes, being in that situation, all you need is for someone to just treat you as a human being without judgment. And that can make all the difference in the world. It can change the world for one person. And I know it won't magically sort out the problem, but we need to start somewhere, and a smile alone is as good a place as any to start.

So... I have cut something out of the last chapter. Cory opening his gifts and reading the messages inside his birthday books. I promise that as soon as I am ready I will release it here as a bonus chapter as well. So, Cory isn't over just yet. There is at least one bonus chapter that will come. 

Thank you once again for sticking with me. For sticking with Cory. Those of you who has shared this story in announcements making everyone come and read his story - a very special thanks to you all as well for helping me get my message out there. You rock!

Now... Before I ramble out an afterward that's longer than the last chapter I will say goodbye and see you all soon!

All my love and thanks again,

C.A. Kerst

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