Chapter 41

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"Oh my gosh! Did you see that last bid!" I scream at the top of my lungs, sitting on the chair in front of Patrick's desk.

"I told you it's going to be great!" Patrick shouts back.

I can almost feel the excitement in the room, and the only thing that could make it better as Patrick wraps his arms around me from behind would have been if Mandy and I were still friends and she was here cheering with me.

"I don't know how I am ever going to repay Mister Graham," I say, feeling tears sting behind my eyes as I pick up the book from the desk and opening it up, running my hand over the signature inside. "He gave me so much when he gave me this book. This is going to be enough to get us our own place."

"Cory," Patrick says as he spins the chair around so that I am facing him. He takes the book out of my hands and gently places it behind me on the desk before he puts my hands on his hips. "Everyone wants to pick you up, because you are the light in our lives."

I feel myself blush as I look down to his shoes. What does one answer back to a compliment like that? I have never been good with receiving compliments. I have always sort off brushed them off in a way.

"I'm going to do good with this money. I'm not just gonna get us a place. I am going back to the park for Dumbledore. I want to help him as well. It's the right thing to do," I say, still looking down.

"Then we do that," Patrick answers. "See, this is why I love you so much. You always think of others. You are really a good guy. But maybe you should turn around right now."

I turn myself around in the chair, seeing the last minute ticking down on eBay as yet more bids come streaming in, one after the other. I can feel tears burning behind my eyes as the last few seconds count down and the very last bid comes in. More money than what I could have dreamt of making. Enough to rent our own place, and enough to take Patrick on a real date I will be paying for without any excuses.

"Are you crying?" Patrick asks as he turns the chair around so that I look him in the eyes once more.

"We're getting our own place," I whisper. "And I'm taking you on a date. Just us. Together."

"We don't need to go on a date to be just us, together," Patrick says as he pulls me up from the chair.

I feel his lips in my neck, his tongue playing in circles as he draws me so close to him that I can feel his skin through his clothes. But I don't kiss him back. I push him away and look him square in the eyes, his face full of question marks.

"Are we doing this?" I ask Patrick, watching as his hand almost automatically goes up to push his curls back.

"I don't know Cory..." he answers. "Are we?"

"We're talking about the same thing right?" I ask, thinking to myself that whatever he answers now will either make or break what is going to happen next.

"Finally become one?" he answers as I feel a rush going down my spine, finally knowing that the time has come, that I can give myself to him, no matter what.

"You jump, I jump," I say, smiling slightly as I reach out for his hand, taking it in mine and kissing the palm of his hand and then placing it on my chest to rest there as I move closer, this time pushing him down on his bed, slowly lowering my face to kiss first his one eyelid, and then the next.

"I love you Cory," he whispers as I draw back, taking off my shirt, my shoes and my pants, standing before Patrick in only my underwear.

For the first time and what I hope will not be my last I experience a little bit of what true love is meant to be. I expected Patrick to look at me with lust in his eyes, losing control like he did last time, but he doesn't. Instead he gets up from the bed and start undressing, but going one step further than me, pulling down his underwear, revealing his manhood that bounces back from his underwear against his stomach.

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