Ch. 1: Some Nobody Band

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of Guns N'Roses' songs, members, or band name. Enjoy.

The lights were pulsing along with the music, practically blinding me as the door creaked open. A beefy man with sleeves of tattoos decorating his arms stood before me, a smile on his face.

"Hey, Max," he greeted me.

"What's up, Tiny?" I slugged him on the shoulder, the leather of my fingerless gloves making a clapping sound against his skin.

He chuckled and, as always, his laugh made me smile. Tiny's real name was Tony, but he and I were so tight that I started calling him Tiny because it was ironic considering he was probably the biggest bouncer I'd ever seen. It was mostly an inside joke between the two of us.

"I thought I'd see you here tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "You're a genius. I come here every night."

I flashed him a dime bag and bit my bottom lip mischievously.

"Gotta' pay rent, you know?"

He shook his head. "Max, I still don't get why you don't just get an actual job. You're better than this."

I looked away from him and towards the smoky stairway that led to the underground lair where some random band was playing. I could already tell that they weren't worth my time to even listen to them. I knew Tiny only wanted the best for me and that was why he was always talking me up and encouraging me to better myself, but I liked where I was. I didn't want a regular job. I cringed even imagining sitting behind a desk all day.

"Who's playing tonight?"

"Some nobody band is on right now. But up next is a group called Guns N Roses. They've got a couple members from a few different bands, Hollywood Rose and LA Guns? You heard of 'em?"

"Yeah, sure," I nodded. "I guess I'll have to check 'em out then. Thanks, Tiny!"

Tiny watched me go down the steps and I gave him one final wave before I descended into a dingy room full of junkies and music.

"Hey, Max!"

"Lookin' good, Max."

"Hey, baby! What's your number?"

Some would say I was famous in the LA underground, but I hated to even think of it like that. Fame meant nothing to me, and it was not what I wanted out of this hell hole. All I wanted was to keep selling drugs to stupid teenaged brats so I could pay my rent. That, and listen to music. The only good part about getting my name out there was that it made people trust me more, meaning bigger business for me.

I crossed the room, making my way towards the bar.

"Always a pleasure serving you, Max," the bartender, Gavin, said.

I winked. "How about a round of the usual?"

"You got it!" He disappeared under the counter to grab my drink. Just as he had disappeared, the music paused briefly and I watched as a new band mounted the stage.

The band was led by an exceptionally handsome guy with long, light red hair that was all teased up. He was followed by a man who wore no shirt and whose face was lost in a flowing, black mass of hair. A gangly man with slightly greasy black hair casually strolled up to the stage and began fiddling with his guitar, while a flash of poofy blond hair sprinted to the drum set. The line up was complete when an extremely tall blond walked onto the stage with a bass cradled in his hands. He was focusing on his strings rather than the crowd in front of him.

"Who are they?" I asked Gavin when he returned to the counter with my drink in hand. Based on their appearance, I guessed that they held promise, and I hoped that this was the band Tiny had told me about.

"Guns N'Roses," he said, confirming my suspicions. "They're supposed to be really good-and very rowdy."

I smirked. "I'll be the judge of that."

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