Ch. 10: Put On Those Shades

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I made sure my dad was completely knocked out on the couch when I stepped out of the house and sprinted down the apartment stairs. I had thrown on a Rolling Stones shirt under my leather jacket. I also had on acid washed jeans, black army boots, and aviators. I wanted to be positive that I had been covered from head to toe so no one could see any evidence of the fight I'd had last night.

I wasn't sure where I was going yet, but I knew that I sure as hell wasn't sitting around in that dump my dad calls a home. This was the first time I'd been awake before two in the afternoon in years. I wanted to enjoy the California sun and just get some fresh air.

I headed towards the downtown area on foot, watching as girls in sexy skirts with long legs clacked by, the skateboarding teenaged boys checking them out as they whizzed passed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I kicked a rock in the path of one especially creepy skateboarder and watched as his board lurched forward, flinging him off and onto the pavement.

I trudged passed him and into a bar and grill. I ignored the hostess and marched over towards the bar.

"Gimme' something strong, ASAP," I ordered, flashing my ID as I spoke.

The bartender gave me a strange look, but nodded and reached for some tequila. I sighed and began drumming my fingers on the counter as I waited for my drink.

"A little early in the day to start drinkin', don'tcha' think?"

"Good lord," I muttered, recognizing the voice almost instantly. "I swear to God, Duff, if you even try anything on me right now-"

"Calm down, Max. I'm not here to hit on you," he said. He raised a bottle and shook it gently to emphasize his point. "I'm drinking too."

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. I turned back towards the counter and saw my drink was waiting for me. I downed it and motioned for another. I heard a squeak and looked back over to see Duff was now seated beside me.

"I see you've picked your poison," he nodded at my drink. "We've got a heavy drinker here. Want me to just buy you a bottle of hand sanitizer? It'd be cheaper."

I couldn't help it. I snapped. I dumped the glass onto his head and slammed it back down onto the counter. I tore some money out of my purse and slapped it onto the bar, turning in my chair and stomping towards the door.

I was about three blocks from the bar and grill when I heard footsteps behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Duff jogging towards me.

"Fuck," I hissed.

His feet began to slow down as he approached me and I heard his ragged breathing beside me as he fought to catch his breath.

"You walk quick, short stuff."

"Maybe you just walk slow, Sasquatch."

His laugh came out ragged and in hiccups.

"Sasquatch, huh? Is that what you think of me?"

I gave him an incredulous look. "Well you're definitely no Adonis."

"No. I guess not," he said finally. "Otherwise, I'd probably have won you over by now."

"And yet you continue to try."

"I enjoy the chase."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your prey, nor am I to be won over like some sort of prize for your trophy case."

"But you'd look so good in it. You could be the centerpiece."

"Look, Duff, as much as I enjoy you constantly up my ass with all of your pompous bullshit that you spew to win over ditzy sluts, I have bigger shit to worry about than getting my pussy pounded."

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