Ch. 20: One of a Kind

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I woke up to the sound of someone coughing. I easily recognized it as smoker's cough. My eye lids fluttered open and I took in a shock of blond hair and long, tan legs.

"Sleep well, princess?"

I glared at her. Was this bitch for real?

I had the urge to throw her ass over the balcony, but decided I didn't want to risk the chance of her blood splattering all over me and giving me her AIDS. Besides, her boobs would probably cushion her fall.

"Slept great," I muttered.

"I hardly slept at all," she giggled with a wink. "He sure knows what he's doing, that's for sure."

I felt my blood beginning to boil. She was really pushing it.

"Good to know."

She gave me a sarcastic and pouty look, poking out her bottom lip and furrowing her eye brows. She blew cigarette smoke from her nose. She looked like a bitchy dragon.

"Don't worry, little girl," she said motioning to my flat chest with a chuckle, "maybe someday he'll look your way. 'Til then, let the big girls have their turn on him."

I was livid at this point, but I refused to let her get the best of me. "Don't even worry about it. I'm not interested."

She stubbed out her cigarette and shrugged. "Your mouth says no, but your eyes say yes."

I watched her turn and head back into the apartment, her butt hanging out from under Duff's Rolling Stones t-shirt. I shook my head and placed my face in my palms, rubbing my eyes and slapping my cheeks to wake myself up a bit more.

What a great way to start the day, I thought sarcastically.

"Max! I want pancakes!" Steven yelled, rushing through the door and falling to his knees, his head resting in my lap.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I demanded. I wasn't in the mood for this bullshit.

"Make me some!" He begged.

I raised an eye brow and began tugging lightly at his hair. "I don't cook, dude. You're barking up the wrong tree."

"Then can we go out?" He asked, beaming up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not your parent. Do whatever you want," I mumbled.

He gave me a confused and slightly hurt look and I instantly felt bad. I ran my fingers through his thick blond waves and gave him a small smile.

"Sorry, Popcorn. I'm on the rag, that's all," I lied. He nodded in understanding. "Tell you what, I'll take you to the diner down the street for some breakfast and you can order whatever you want."

He beamed at me and nuzzled his head against me. "That sounds beautiful..."

I smiled and gently stood up from my seat and Steven followed me back into the house. I saw Izzy and his girl laying naked on the couch and snoring lightly. Duff was in the dining room, smoking a cigarette and listening intently to whatever his bitch was blabbing about. Slash and Axl were nowhere to be seen, so I assumed they weren't awake yet.

"Where's your girl, Stevie?" I inquired.

"Oh, she left to go wake up Axl," Steven said, putting air quotes around the words 'wake up'.

"Gross," I muttered.

I forced myself to enter the kitchen. The blond girl gave me a devious smile and Duff seemed to be refusing to look at me. Instead, he became totally focused in on the ash tray sitting on the table in front of him.

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