Ch. 28: Lovesick

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Disclaimer: I do not own the lyrics used in this chapter.

I poked my head out around the curtain. Once again, the guys were not seated in the judging chairs yet. All I saw was the crowd, and damn was it a big one.

"I think I'm gonna' puke," I groaned, feeling my knees growing shaky.

Coco giggled and grabbed me by my shoulder, steering me away from the stage and back towards the rest of the band. I felt like such a wuss. Aurora had her sunglasses on and was attacking her gum once again, Troy was just staring straight ahead at the stage, looking about as apathetic about the situation as I wanted to feel, and Coco was smiling from ear to ear. It didn't surprise me that they weren't nervous. They are used to performing in front of crowds. I'd only done it once. At the bar. A year ago.

And of course my first big performance had to be when I was spilling my guts out to Duff. I felt like the whole room was against me.

"Red," Coco shook me gently, snapping me out of my thoughts, "we are the last act. You have plenty of time before we go on."

"I know," I groaned. "I just want to get it over with."

Coco chuckled and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. "You'll do great. You'll see."

I nodded wordlessly, my head drooped slightly.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen!" The hostess squealed into the microphone, waving her hand at the audience as she strutted onto the stage. "We've got 10 bands to keep you entertained for tonight! And, as you all know, we've got Guns'N'Roses here for you guys" the crowd went crazy with applause "to help us pick the top band!"

I watched as Guns walked on stage, the audience cheering as they appeared one by one. Axl, of course, was at the front, followed by Izzy, Slash, Duff, and Steven.

My heart leapt at the sight of Duff. He had aviators on and he was giving the crowd a bright smile while he waved at them.

"You okay?" Coco asked and I realized I had stopped breathing.

"Yeah," I said, taking a deep breath and looking back at the guys. "I'm fine."

"What's up, everyone? We're Guns'N'Roses, " Axl paused with a grin as the crowd roared, "and we are glad we could make it here today. We look forward to hearing from all these bands, and giving you guys a good show!"

With that, he waved and walked forward, jumping off the stage and taking a seat. The rest of the band followed, waving and sticking up middle fingers as they went. I felt the tears beginning to form. It had been so long, and they still seemed the same as when I'd last seen them.

"And so, without further ado, I give you our very first band, Sunday Sucks!"

Coco and I watched intently as the first band walked up to center stage.

"That's the band she left us for," Coco's normally serene voice was trembling with anger and hurt. I raised an eye brow and gave her a confused look.

Sure, ditching your band was shitty to do, but come on. They had me now, right?

I watched as tears began to fall down her face and I turned to her and began to wipe them away. I listened as she sniffled and sobbed and, slowly, I began to realize that it was more than that.

Was that girl...? I turned to their old singer. She was scrawny, with no curves at all, and a spiked up pixie cut. She looked like... Was that her ex girlfriend?

I turned back to Coco and I recognized those tears. Those were the same tears I had cried myself to sleep with for so long. She was lovesick.

I grabbed her chin and lifted her tear stained face to me. She sniffed loudly and gazed up at me.

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