Ch. 29: It's So Easy

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I was busy piling instruments into Troy's van with the rest of the group. I was disappointed for not getting the chance to chat with Guns'N'Roses after the contest, but they seemed to just disappear as soon as it was over.

I had stood around waiting and hoping that I'd be able to find even one of them to say hello to, but when it became obvious that they had ditched the chances of being followed by fan girls and just straight up left the venue, I gave up and headed out back to help pack up.

"That's the last of it," I called to Coco who had hopped into the driver's seat and had started up the engine. Troy and Aurora got into the backseat while I slammed the van trunk shut.

I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against the back doors and shook my head. I had been stupid. A one night stand that happened a year ago wasn't enough to spark a relationship now. I was too late.

I turned over and leaned back against the van, facing up to look at the stars twinkling above my head. This was a waste. A complete waste.

"Hey," a soft voice tore me from my thoughts and I snapped to attention.

I looked straight ahead and what I saw made my legs go weak. There stood Duff, his leather jacket opened to reveal his bare chest and his tight jeans rattling with chains.

"Hey," I choked out.

He had taken off his glasses, his brown eyes black in the moonlight and shimmering like the stars above. It was as though he held the night sky in those glowing orbs.

"You did great up there," he commented, stepping closer to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled. He continued to inch towards me, my heart jolting with each step he took. Soon enough, he was leaning forward, one of his arms outstretched and planted on the van just over my shoulder so that he could lean over me.

"How have you been?" He whispered, his face sneaking towards my neck. I shivered as he began to trail kisses down to my collar bone.

"Good. No more drugs. I have an actual job now," I breathed, sighing peacefully as he sucked gently at my skin.

"Mmm," he growled. "A working girl..."

I felt like no time had come between us at all. I still trembled under his touch, and he still turned my legs to jello. I wasn't easy, but even now, I wanted him on top of me. I wanted to see him naked again.

"I've missed you," I whispered.

He pulled back with a smirk. "I've missed you too."

My heart sank as he eased off of the van and began to walk away.

"But we'll be seeing much more of each other, what with having the same record label now and your band opening for us and all that," he called over his shoulder.

"But-" my voice was tiny.

"And by the way," he slid a hand in his pocket as he stopped to look over his shoulder at me. His smile was mischievous and cocky, just like when I first met him. He reminded me of a spoiled kid who always got what he wanted and knew he could get away with it too. "I love you too."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt my heart begin to soar.

"Red! Let's go!" Coco called out, honking her horn.

But I ignored her. Instead, I broke out into a sprint until I reached Duff. I leapt through the air and he caught me with a grunt. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he raised me up so that we were finally face to face. Our lips connected passionately and I ran my fingers through his golden tendrils of hair.

"'It's so easy'," I giggled, remembering that arrogant song he had written so long ago as I pulled away from the kiss.

"It used to be," he chuckled. "Then I met you."

Coco honked the horn and stuck her head out the window, probably to yell at me to hurry up. But, when she saw who I was with, she simply smiled and shook her head.

"I guess I'll be seeing you then?" I asked, hopefully.

He set me down and turned away, laughing. "I don't know, girl. You know what they say, 'you gotta' want it'."

I watched him stroll away, out of the streetlights and into the darkness. Being with him would always be a challenge, but he was right. You gotta' want it. And boy, did I want it.

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