Ch. 7: Slumber Party

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Now that I had acquired enough money, the drive to stay awake and keep going slowly drained from my body. My eyelids felt heavy, my arms felt weak from climbing up and down the pipe, and I just wanted to crash.

"You're looking tired," Duff whispered to me. I had trailed behind the others in my weakened state, and of course, Duff remained close behind me.

I shot him a look. "I'm fine."

"Okay, okay. Geez."

I faced forward once more and looked ahead at the guys walking in front of me. They seemed exhausted as well, hunched over and silent as they dragged their feet with every step. It was only when we came to a halt at the corner that I realized I was on the complete opposite side of town from the apartment I shared with my dad. Not only that, but I'd been so worried about making money that I had totally forgotten to pick up beers for my dad.

"Shit," I grumbled.

"Something wrong?" Axl asked.

"I'm so far from home. I didn't even notice until just now."

"Where do you live?" Duff asked.

I glared at him with a look that said "wouldn't you like to know?" before turning back to the guys. "I need to head home."

"But, Max," Slash began, "you're obviously not in any condition to walk home alone. Not in these streets."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Really? You think I can't take care of myself?"

"Please," he said, "you know I didn't mean it like that."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"She could stay with us," Duff suggested.

Steven's face lit up. "Yeah! She could stay in our apartment."

The rest of the group seemed to agree and were babbling excitedly amongst each other.

"Whoa! Hold up!" I yelled over them, forcing them to quiet down. "Don't I get a say in this?"

"Nope," they all said together.


I reluctantly followed the band up the street and towards where I assumed their apartment awaited me.

"This is so fun!" Steven was giggling. "It's like we're kids again!"

As soon as the guys had gotten me into their apartment, they went right to work, setting up sleeping spots all over the living room with blankets and pillows from the closet. Axl set up camp on the couch, Izzy lazily dozed on the recliner, Slash had the recliner on the opposite side of the room, kicked back so that it held his feet up and he could lean backwards, Steven had rolled himself into a blanket burrito on the floor, and Duff lay in a pile of blankets beside Steven.

I grabbed a blanket from the top shelf of the closet and padded over to the other side of Steven, as far away from Duff as possible. I didn't feel like being felt up in the middle of the night. I plopped the blanket down and took off my shirt and shook off my pants.

"What's going on here?" Slash asked with a whistle.

I rolled my eyes and draped my clothes across the floor next to my makeshift sleeping area. "Don't flatter yourself. I like sleeping with as little clothes on as possible. Normally I'd wear a night shirt but..."

"Here," Slash tossed me the shirt he'd been wearing earlier and I pulled it on over my head.

"Thanks," I gave him a small smile.

"You know, you're really cool, Max," Axl admitted. I shrugged and sat down in my pile of blankets, pulling them up and over my bare legs. "If you weren't so scary, I'd probably try to date you."

I chuckled. "Is that a compliment, or...?"

"You really are cool," Izzy added. "Going to concerts, selling and using drugs, you're basically famous....You're life is awesome. I wish we could get our name out there like that."

If only he knew the half of it, I thought bitterly, turning over and lying on my back, gazing up at the ceiling fan and following it with my eyes as it went around and around and around.

"It's okay," I said with an apathetic shrug.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me while the rest of the guys kept talking. When I turned my head to see who it was, I wasn't at all surprised to see that it was Duff. I was, however, surprised to see that he was looking at me gravely, his eyes staring into me with a deep intensity. He made me feel vulnerable under that gaze, like he was able to see right through my clothes or something. I blushed and looked away quickly.

I hoped he hadn't noticed my comment about how my life was only 'okay'. None of the other guys seemed to notice that slip, and this guy was probably dumber than all of them.

As the guys continued to chatter amongst themselves, I moved onto my side and curled into a ball. Although I was happy to be here with the guys, I couldn't help but worry about my dad. I hadn't been able to bring him any alcohol tonight. But one night of no alcohol wouldn't kill him, right?

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