Ch. 14: Where Do You Think You're Going?

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Duff and I climbed the steps until we reached my apartment. I turned to face him. Suddenly, he seemed to tower over me like never before and I felt horribly small.

"Are you sure you want to...?"

He nodded solemnly and I turned back towards the door, my clammy palms reaching for the knob and turning. It was the afternoon, so I knew my father would be sleeping, but I still felt terrified. I didn't want a repeat of last night.

I stepped into the darkened living room, Duff following close behind. The room looked basically the same as it had before, with the coffee table still turned over and bottles still strewn all across the floor. I bit the inside of my cheek and continued into the apartment, making my way into the kitchen.

Duff stood in the doorway as I began rummaging through the cabinet under the sink, grabbing out a few garbage bags and handing one to Duff. He took it and gently tore it open as he followed me out from the kitchen and down the hall towards my bedroom.

"Just grab my clothes out of the dresser over there," I ordered. He nodded and quickly began pulling open drawers. I turned my attention to my closet, where all of my drugs were hidden.

I grabbed out the old Chuck Taylor converse shoe box that held my various syringes, powders, and herbs and chucked it into my garbage bag before beginning to pile more clothes on top of it. I filled my bag up completely before turning to Duff, who had also filled his bag and was now inspecting one of my lacey pairs of underwear.

"Duff!" I hissed. He jumped and tossed the underwear into the bag, blushing furiously.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, grabbing my bag and tossing it over my shoulder.

"Let's go!" I whispered. He nodded and followed me back to the front door. Just as I turned the knob to leave, I heard a loud hacking sound. Duff and I turned to see my dad, standing on the opposite side of the room. He wore nothing but a pair of stained boxer shorts and he held a bottle in his hand.

Not only was I terrified, but I was completely and utterly mortified. No one had ever gone this deep into my personal life, and now, here was this guy I'd only known for a few days, witnessing my life. And Duff had a front row seat.

"Where do you think you're going?" My dad demanded with a mighty belch.

"I-" my voice trembled and my knees felt like jelly.

"She's moving out," Duff spoke for me.

"I asked her!" My dad roared before turning back to me. " the you're going?"

Hearing Duff speak for me was enough to snap me back into reality and bring back my usual, stubborn self. I didn't need someone to speak for me, I could speak for myself! I felt my pride swell in my chest, completely knocking the fear I had felt moments ago out of the park.

"I'm moving out," I said clearly. My voice was calm and cool.

My dad laughed and shook his head. "What about rent? How will I pay for all this without you out there pimping yourself?"

Duff gave me a questioning look, but I ignored him. Now was not the time or place to explain to him that my dad thought I was a prostitute, but that I really was not. Not that I cared if Duff thought I was a whore or not, anyway.

"I'll still pay for your pathetic lifestyle," I growled. "But I refuse to continue living with you."

"You refuse, huh?" He chuckled. "What about my beer?"

"Buy your own."

My dad paused to give me a dirty look. Normally this look would have brought me to my knees in fear. I would have been trembling. But now, it only made me want to fight back even more.

Suddenly, he charged at me.

"Max!" Duff cried out. "Max, look out!"

It all kind of happened in a blur. My dad was running at me, his face beet red and his fists balled up tight. Then, he was on the ground-knocked out cold. I sucked in a breath through my teeth and shook my tender hand. My knuckles were screaming with pain.

"Max!" Duff rushed over to me, a grin on his face. "Max, you did it!"

I looked from my sore hand to my fallen dad and smirked. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"I told you you could do it!" Duff's voice was so cheerful that I had to smile back at him.

"I guess you were right."

"What should we do about him?"

I shrugged. "Leave him there. He's on his own from now on."

Duff nodded, picking up his bag and walking out the door.

I gazed down at my dad's unconscious form. I couldn't believe I had done that. I had actually stood up to my father. And it was all because of Duff. If it wasn't for him speaking up for me, my temperamental side would have been left at the door while my dad kicked my ass and forced me to stay home. Because of Duff's big mouth, I was able to stand up to my father and now I was able to finally be free.

I couldn't help but think that I liked the person Duff had made me become. I liked how I was when I was around him. He made me strong, and he made me a better person.

"You comin' or what?"

I turned to look at Duff over my shoulder. His wavy blond hair was set ablaze in the afternoon light and his hand was on his hip in a snobby pose. He had put on his aviators and had stuck a cigarette in his mouth. The California sun rested on his shoulder.

"Yeah, Sasquatch. I'm comin'."

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