Ch. 21: Know the Difference

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WARNING: Explicit content ahead.

When Steven and I got back to the apartment, we went our separate ways. He headed towards his room, and I went right to Duff's. I was careful when I opened the door-I didn't want to walk in on any crazy stripper sex. I was relieved when all I saw was Duff, playing his guitar all alone.

"Hey," he said, looking up as I entered.

"Yo," I responded. I ignored how he was staring at me as I walked to my bags of clothes in the corner of the room and pulled out a Pink Floyd t-shirt and a pair of shredded up shorts.

"Where'd you sleep last night?" he asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I said, flatly.

"Did you sleep well?" He tried again.

"Stop acting like you care," I snapped. I turned to glare at him. His mouth was slightly open, but I couldn't tell what kind of expression he had on under his sun glasses.

"What's wrong with you?" He finally demanded.

I chuckled and shook my head. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! You totally ditched me for a piece of ass and I had to sleep fucking outside. I know Cali seems hot now, but it gets chilly at night, dammit. It's not just that either-"

I broke off for a moment, trying to catch my breath. All of my yelling had left me drained and I was gasping for air.

"-you are just so full of it. You say you like me and care about me. You say I can trust you. And what do you do? You bring a stripper home and fuck her and leave me out in the cold. What kind of trust is that where you just throw me out for a total stranger? Just...fuck it."

I grabbed my things and headed towards the door, but Duff was quicker than me. He slammed the door shut and looked down at me, his lips a thin tight line.

"What the actual fuck, Max?" He bellowed. "One minute, you act like I'm a complete douche who you can't even stand and the next you're saying you trust me and shit? Make up your mind about me."

I shook my head. "I can't."

"Why the hell not?"

He had been towering over me, but now he had leaned in so that our noses were almost touching. I wanted to look into his eyes, into those pools of sweet chocolate. I slowly reached out and removed his glasses. He watched as my trembling hand folded them up and set them down on the nearby dresser before looking back up at my eyes.

"You're a lot like my father," my voice was tiny and it shook violently. "The drinking...the strippers...and, just like my father, I still can't help but want you to notice me."

He stared at me for a long moment before finally whispering, "I notice you, Max."

I sighed. "Sure you do."

"I fucking notice you," his voice was a deep growl. His hand shot out and pulled my head forward as he smashed his lips against mine.

I tried to fight him on it, pummeling my fists against his chest until I just couldn't take it anymore. My legs gave out below me and Duff easily caught me, grabbing me by my butt and hoisting me up against the wall. I let out a high pitched squeak as we crashed against the wall, and he took the chance to slip his tongue between my lips. I moaned into his mouth and he ground his hips against me.

"Duff," I sighed as he kissed down my neck. "Duff, I-"

I gasped as he slipped a hand under my shirt and began to lightly roll my nipple between his fingers.

"I notice you all the damn time, Max," his voice rumbled into my ear as he continued to make me whimper. "It's you who never notices me."

"I...I notice you..." I managed to choke out. Using his hips to hold me up, Duff lifted my shirt with his hands and removed my bra. I was too far gone to notice or care that I was now half naked in front of this guy. My head reeled as he kissed between my breasts.

"Oh, really?" He breathed, kissing over to one nipple and sucking it into his mouth.

"Yes!" I squirmed from the intense pleasure.

He released my breasts and kissed towards the other one. "I don't believe you. You hate me, remember? I'm a douche and a pig. I fuck strippers, right?"

"No!" I cried as he enveloped my other nipple into his mouth. "No...I don't know! I just...I want you."

He released me, letting me fall back onto my own feet, my shirt dropping back down to cover my body in the process.

"No you don't," he said gruffly, walking back towards his bed and throwing the guitar onto his lap. "You're just upset cuz I fucked someone else. Jealousy and wanting attention are totally different from wanting someone. Let me know when you figure out the difference."

I glared at him. My body felt tingly all over, I was sweating, and my skin felt hot in all of the areas where he had been touching me. I felt a strong tugging in my lower region, pulling me towards him.

"Whatever," I said shakily. I carefully bent over to pick up the clothes I'd grabbed earlier and left his room.

I needed a shower.

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