Ch. 2: Maxine

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I leaned back against the bar as they began to play. I watched with a slight smirk on my lips as the crowd began to bounce and grind to the music. The lead singer had plenty of energy, and it was giving the whole room a nice vibe. Electricity seemed to be pulsing through the room, and I was loving it. There hadn't been a band like this down here in a long time.

"You like them."

I turned to look over my shoulder at Gavin, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"They're okay," I said, sipping my drink.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Whatever you say."

I downed the remainder of my drink and placed the glass back onto the counter. I pushed off of the bar and dove into the crowd. Most people would have to push and shove through the sea of bodies, but everyone cleared the way for me. Those who didn't know who I was were pulled away from me by others to open up a path.

I looked up towards the band. The singer was spinning in circles, clutching the mic stand to him. The guitarist and rhythm guitarist were off to the side, casually shredding away. The drummer was bouncing and pounding and the closer I got to the stage, the more my heart began to pound with the beat. Then, I locked eyes with the bassist. He paused for a moment, as if I'd caught him off guard. I thought that maybe he forgot he was on stage and in front of a crowd, but he quickly picked back up with the song. His strumming was superb.

I couldn't lie, I was very impressed. The bassist was now grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and began to walk towards the door that led to the backstage area. I needed to meet these dudes.

It took a while, but eventually, the guys came piling into the room. I was currently smoking a cigarette. I looked up as they walked in.

"S'up?" I said.

"Who are you?" The red head whistled at my long legs which were clad in tight leather pants.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Axl," the singer said with a toothy grin.

"Izzy," the man with the long, black hair said softly.

"The name's Steven," the drummer plopped down next to me on the raggedy old couch and beamed.

"I'm Slash." The voice seemed to be coming from somewhere in the bush of black hair.

"Hey. I'm Duff."

I felt butterflies at the sound of his voice. we stared at each other intently until Axl came in between us and leaned down, grabbing one of my dreads and gawking at it.

"Nice hair! You're a red head too!"

I took a drag from my cigarette and smiled. "Nah. That's just the power of hair dye."

He nodded. "It still looks good. I like the dreads you got in there."

"Thanks," I said. "My friend did it."

"You still didn't tell us your name," Duff interrupted.

I chuckled. "You're right."

I twisted my cigarette until smoke stopped curling from it.

"I'm Maxine. But everyone calls me Max," I paused and pulled out a bag of coke. They all stared in shock before smiles slowly spread to all of their faces. "And if there's anything you guys need around here, I'm your girl."

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