Ch. 15: Nothing Seems to Please Me

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It had been about a week since Duff and I had visited my home. Since then, the guys have been booking shows left and right while I was busy selling to the crowd while they performed. It was a great set up we had going; I would talk to the bar managers and set up a gig, the guys would perform, and I would sell my drugs for rent money.

I guess you could say things were finally running smoothly.

Tonight was supposed to be a pretty big night. The guys had decided to perform a new song, written by Sasquatch himself.

Axl brought the mic to his lips and grinned. "This is a new song for all of our fans out there!"

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "'Fans'."

Just as I took a sip of my beer, the song picked up.

"I see your sister in her

Sunday dress.

She's out to please,

She pouts her best.

She's out to take-

No need to try.

She's ready to make."

I shook my head. Of course Duff would write a sex song.

"It's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to

please me, baby!

It's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to

please me!

Cars are crashin' every night,

I drink n' drive

everything's in sight.

I make the fire-

But I miss the firefight.

I hit the bull's eye every night."

Even the songs he writes are conceited.

"It's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to

please me, baby!

Yeah, it's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to please me!

So easy...

But nothin' seems to please me.

It all fits so right

When I fade into the night.

See me hit you

You fall down!"

I perked my ears at "nothin' seems to please me". For some reason, the lyrics made the hole in my heart ache even worse than ever before. I felt a tugging of want in my chest. The need for something more.

I couldn't believe Duff had written that. That feeling that there was something more to life outside of this jungle-a hole that drugs, booze, and sex just couldn't fill.

"I see you standin' there...

You think you're so cool...

Why don't you just...

Fuck off?!

Ya' get nothin' for nothin'

If that's what you do.

Turn around bitch I got a use for you.

Besides you ain't got nothin' better to do!

And I'm bored."

Axl winked at me during that part and I gagged and choked on my drink. Izzy laughed and turned away from the crowd towards Steven.

"It's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to

please me, baby!

It's so easy, easy

When everybody's tryin' to please me!

So easy...

But nothin' seems to please me.

It all fits so right

When I fade into the night.

So, come with me-

Don't ask me where cause I don't know.

I'll try to please you...

I ain't got no money-

But it goes to show!"

Axl's shrill tone carried throughout the bar. I smiled at the sound of it.

"It's so easy!

So fuckin' easy!

It's so easy!

So damn easy!"

The crowd began to chant along with him, hollering and roaring with laughter. I chuckled and shook my head. As the song came to a close, I locked eyes with Duff who grinned and stuck out his tongue at me. I shook my head, laughing and sliding off of the stool, disappearing back into the crowd.

Duff stumbled up to me after the show, reeking of straight alcohol. I crinkled my nose at him.

"What'd you think of the new material?" He slurred.

"Congrats," I said sarcastically, "you fuck groupies. We get it."

Despite being intoxicated, his face looked genuinely offended at my remark. However, it only seemed that way for a split second before he chuckled and shook his head. "There's more to it than that."

I just about puked into my mouth. Doubt it. This guy was about as deep as a puddle.

"C'mon, Maxi!" Duff whined and draped himself around me. I drooped under the weight of him. I was pretty tall for a girl, but Duff was a monster compared to myself. "Love me!"

My voice came out strained. "I don't love a lot of things."

"But you love me, right?" His voice was a low whisper. I felt my face growing warm, whether from carrying his fat ass or from the words he was saying, I wasn't entirely sure. Before I could come up with a proper response, the rest of the band sauntered over.

"Nah, she loves me!" Steven said, clomping up to me and ruffling my hair.

"No. I'm her sweetheart!" Slash got down on one knee and kissed my hand.

I chuckled and pulled my hand away. "Stop it, everyone. I hate all of you!"

"She's harsh," Izzy commented with a smile.

"Real harsh," Axl agreed.

"Love me!" Duff whined again, falling onto me once more.

Ever since I'd started living with these guys, my days just seemed to get weirder and weirder. Still, I couldn't complain.

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