Ch. 25: Coco

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1 year later

I shut and locked the door to my crumby apartment-not that there was much to steal in there anyway. I had returned to my old apartment complex but had gotten an apartment on the lower level. I didn't want to be near my old apartment, or my old life.

Since the guys left, I'd tried to get my shit together as best as I could. I finished off the last of the drugs with the vow that I wouldn't touch the stuff again. So far, I'd been able to keep that promise to myself.

I had also picked up a job at the local bar as a bartender. Now, I watched from the sidelines as the new scene queens came and went.

It was funny watching my old life from another point of view. It was like now, I could finally see what was so utterly wrong with my old ways and it made me appreciate this new chance so much more.

I sauntered up to the bar and beamed. "Hey, Tiny."

Tiny chuckled at me. "Hey, Max. You workin' tonight?"

"Of course. All work and no play."

He smiled. "Good to see you."

"You too," I said, walking passed him and into the waves of music emanating from the doorway.

I pushed through the crowd of people until I reached the bar area and punched in behind the counter. My coworker, Janet, grinned at me as I walked by and handed me some bottles to give to some nearby customers.

"How late they got you workin' tonight?"

" 'Till closing," I muttered.

She nodded and returned to taking orders. While she was busy with that, I tugged on a black apron and tied it tightly around my waist. I picked up a towel and did a quick once over of the counter.

"Hey!" Some college guys were motioning for me to come over. I rolled my eyes and hurried towards them.

"What can I get for you guys?"

"Some brewskies over here!" One of them shouted.

I counted eight of them and handed them each the cheapest beer we had. The guy handed me some cash and I accepted it quickly so I could get back to cleaning.

"Oh, little red?" I heard a soft voice call.

It took me a moment to realize that, since my hair was red, the voice must have been directed at me. I straightened myself up so that I was standing rather than stooping to organize the shelves of cups. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a slender, African American woman grinning and winking at me.

Her lips were shiny with a brick red lipstick, and her hair was a black cloud around her head. Her light brown skin was practically glowing under the dim lights of the bar.

"Me?" I asked, pointing dumbly to myself.

"Yeah, you," she said with a laugh that melted my heart like honey. Her voice was cool and relaxing. It made me want to cuddle up in a blanket and fall asleep.

I raised an eye brow and looked around once more. Surely this beautiful woman wasn't speaking to me?

"What can I get for you?" My usually strong voice was small and weak.

"Just some Jack for me, sugar," she said, lifting a cigarette to those fire red lips and lighting it.

I nodded and silently went to grab a bottle for her. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had seen her from somewhere before. Was she a model? An actress, perhaps?

"Here ya' go," I mumbled.

As I handed it to her, she nodded and grinned, raising it up to me. "Thanks, girl. I really needed this."

"Oh?" I asked absentmindedly. I returned to the shelves of cups as she began to talk about her band or something and how the lead singer had left them for another band.

"Anyway, she figured that this other band was better than ours and that it would better her chances of winning in the battle of the bands next week," she finished with a sigh.

"Man, that skeeves. You should beat her ass up."

The woman snorted and shook her head. "No. She was probably right. I mean, you have to be really talented to win that. Guns'N'Roses is judging it and they're talented as hell-"

"Wait!" I shot up and slapped my hands on the counter. "What was that?"

Her eyes widened and she gave me a frightened look. "Guns'N'Roses is judging the bands...?"

My head was reeling and my heart leapt into my throat.

Duff will be there.

I hadn't spoken to the guys since they had left to go on tour. At first, it was because I didn't want to hold them back and I wanted to allow them time to a focus on their career. But lately, it had been because they had grown to be one of the biggest bands of the 80s and it was literally impossible to get ahold of them. I never had the chance to fix things with Duff and I'd regretted it ever since. It was the one part of my life I hadn't had the chance to fix.

"I can sing," I said.

The corners of her lips curled into a smile. "Oh really?"

"Yes," I insisted.

She nodded slowly. "Alright, prove it."

I gave her a confused look and she began digging in her purse. She pulled out a small rectangular paper and handed it to me. I gulped as I took it from her slender fingers.

Suddenly, I knew why I had recognized her.

"Your name is Coco?" I asked.

She gave me a wink. "See you soon, little red."

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