Ch. 12: Mornin'

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My eyes fluttered open and I realized I was still laying on Duff's chest. His skin was stained from my mascara tears and I could see his morning wood pressing against his boxers. I blushed and hurriedly got up from the bed, leaping over his sleeping body and landing with a gentle thud onto the blankets that had been originally set up so Duff could sleep on the floor. I whipped around and checked to be sure that he was still asleep before I slipped on some pants and left the room in search of breakfast.

I kind of felt bad leaving him like that, but I had no intention of allowing him to wake up with me wrapped in his arms-no matter how strong and warm they felt. It was bad enough that we had fallen asleep together.

I grabbed a box of Frosted Flakes from the top cupboard and began to pour myself a bowl just as Slash stumbled into the kitchen.

"Mornin'," he grunted.

I gave him a head nod in response. He padded up beside me and grabbed some Cheerios. I gave him a confused look and he grinned.

"Good for the heart," he said, pounding his chest with a fist.

"Right on."

I sat down to eat and watched while Slash poured milk into his bowl and then grabbed a sack of sugar from another cabinet. He took out a spoon and began dumping piles of sugar into his bowl.

"Oh, yeah," I laughed, "real healthy there, bud."

His teeth were all I could see under that bush of hair. "Did I mention they're also great for preventing diabetes?"

"Are you talking up Cheerios again?" Axl's deep voice entered the kitchen moments before he did.

"It's a great marketing scheme," Slash replied, defensively.

"I hope you choke on 'em," Izzy mumbled, following close behind Axl. "You're talking too damn loud!"

"No he's not!" Steven strolled in and approached Izzy's ear.

"This is loud!" He shouted. Izzy moaned in pain and slugged Steven on the shoulder. Steven just chuckled and reached up to grab a bowl for himself.

"So, how'd it go with Duff last night?" Steven wiggled his eye brows at me suggestively.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please."

Axl laughed. "Max isn't that desperate, dude."

Slash shook his hair from his face and winked at me. "Just how desperate are you, Max?"

"Oh, I'm desperate alright. Desperate to get away from you creeps!" I swatted Slash's arm playfully.

"Hey! We aren't creepy!" Steven whined.

"Well, Izzy kind of looks creepy," Axl teased.

"What the hell, man?" Izzy demanded.

"Sorry, dude. You've got that pale, gangly body. It's perfect for hiding under a trench coat and flashing people with."

"What about Slash?" I added. "Under all that hair, you don't know what he's hiding."

"Alright, Max," Slash chuckled. "Coming from the dominatrix, herself!"

By now we were all dying with laughter and I realized that my cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much. Had I really become such a downer that it hurt to smile?

"I see everyone is wide awake."

We all turned and saw Duff leaning against the counter, a grin on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey, Big Bird."

Steven's comment hit me hard and I was cracking up with tears in my eyes. With his poofy blond hair and his horribly tall stature, Duff was indeed reminiscent of the famous Sesame Street resident.

Duff shook his head and chuckled, walking over and sitting across from me at the table. As everyone chattered and laughed, I looked up at him and he grinned and winked at me.

I had been worried that Duff would be angry with me for leaving him or would spill the beans about my dad, but he didn't. He simply sipped at a bottle of vodka while the rest of us chowed down on our cereal. It was then that I knew that I had made a friend.

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