Ch. 17: Come On, Maxine

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the lyrics used in this chapter.

We chased Axl out of the water and down the boardwalk until he ran into a bar to hide. My arm was wrapped around Duff's shoulders and he practically carried me into the bar. The guys were in front of us, stumbling forward. We were all laughing raucously, causing many of the customers to turn and glare at us.

I looked around and realized that, unlike back at home, I knew nobody who was in here. I frowned, completely bummed. That meant no free drinks.

Duff continued to haul me until we reached some stools. He plopped me down onto one before sitting down beside me. The bartender almost immediately twirled around to lock eyes with me, letting his gaze fall down to my breasts before looking back up at me with a cocky smile. I realized I was still only clad in the skimpy bikini the guys had bought for me. I hugged myself tightly, using my arms to shield my tiny curves from his probing eyes.

"Well, hello there," he wiggled his eye brows at me. "What can I get for you?"

"A t-shirt," Duff's voice was a low growl as he handed me his shirt. I grabbed it from him and pulled it on over my head.

When I poked my head out from the fabric, I saw that the bartender looked as though he was a spoiled child who had just had Christmas taken away from him. Duff seemed pleased.

"I'll take some vodka," Duff ordered. "And the lady here will have some-"

"Scotch," I interjected quickly. Duff raised his eye brows at me and I shot him a look. Surely he knew by now that I didn't let anyone speak for me? Especially not some guy.

"Some scotch for the lady," Duff said with a nod.

"Coming right up," the man mumbled, giving me one final, longing stare.

I watched him shrink away towards the bottles that were lined up behind him. I turned to Duff.

"Thanks for the shirt."

"Yeah, well, the guy's a creep. No respect whatsoever."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, and you aren't?"

"I am a gentleman," Duff pushed up his nose, pretending to be posh and snooty.

I giggled. "Oh, yeah. Totally."

"Have you guys seen this place?" Steven suddenly butt into our conversation, putting his arms around us and pulling us in so our heads were nearly touching. "They've got a karaoke machine!"

"Great. Have Axl give it a go," I said.

"We should all do it," Slash suggested, coming up behind us with a bottle of Jack.

I pulled away from Steven and raised my arms defensively. "Whoa. Hey, now. Let's not get crazy here."

"It'll be fun," Duff insisted. "Quit being such a Debbie Downer."

I turned and scowled at him. "I'm not a Debbie Downer! I've just never really seriously sang before."

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Steven pointed out, raising his eye brows at me hopefully.

"Fine," I heaved a sigh. "But I'm going last."

"No way, ladies first!" Axl said from behind me.

"Please," I scanned over the group with an unconvinced stare. "I'm more of a man than all you little boys."

Axl snorted. "Says the human cat...latching onto chairs and being scared of water."

"Shut up, Seaweed!" I shot back, my face going hot with embarrassment.

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