Ch. 3: Denied!

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I snorted a line and squeezed my eyes shut, enjoying the thrill the drug gave me. Steven took the rolled up dollar bill from me and snorted a line himself.

"So, Max?"

I looked up at Slash, who had put his hair up in a ponytail so I could finally see his face. "What's up?"

"What are you, like the manager of this place?"

I shook my head. "No. My dad is friends with the manager so I've been coming here for years."

Slash nodded.

"So you're a regular here," Axl concluded.

"Eh," I shrugged. "More like a hardcore friend of the family that never really leaves. My dad delivers all of the alcohol in the local clubs and bars so I basically go to all of them, mainly this one."

Duff grinned at me, scooting closer to me. "Alcohol, huh?"

"You like alcohol?" I raised an eye brow.

"He loves it," Steven interjected, sniffing and brushing at his nose. "For breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

I nodded slowly, taking in Duff's appearance. He looked like someone you could just sit back and drink a cold one with.

"Interesting," I said slowly. "You know, I was listening to you guys and, I don't say this very often, but you're a great band. Like, seriously amazing."

"That means a lot," Axl grinned at me.

"No problem. I don't think you guys will be playing here for too long," I said. "Soon enough, you'll be selling out stadiums."

Slash erupted in laughter. "How do you know all that?"

I smirked. "You know how people are just good at things?"

He nodded.

I tapped my head with my finger and gave him a sly smile. "I know music, man. I just do. And you guys are music."

There was a long pause and the guys all had serious looks on their faces.

"You know," Izzy's quiet and raspy voice pierced through the silence, "that's probably the greatest thing I've ever heard someone say."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, grabbing out another cigarette. "Well, then you need to get out more, dude."

I leaned back into the couch and took a long drag. I felt something on my shoulder and looked over to see Duff's arm draped on the couch behind me. I didn't like how close he was trying to get to me, so I plucked up his arm and threw it over me so it landed back at his side.

"Damn. You just got denied!" Steven roared with laughter.

Duff shot Steven a warning look before turning back to me with a cocky grin and I could practically taste the aura of his arrogance. I about puked on his skinny jeans.

"Don't fuck with me," I warned him. "I once beat up a kid for calling me 'Maxi Pad'. He was a quarterback on the football team."

Duff's smile shrank into a pout and he slowly slid away from me. The rest of the guys were practically falling to the floor with laughter. I shook my head, but joined in laughing along with them.

As I laughed, I turned back towards Duff and saw him smiling at me. I frowned, licked my lips, and swallowed.

"Well, it's time for me to go."

They all groaned as I stood up to leave and Steven wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his cheek against my butt.

"Don't leave me!" He cried out in mock agony. I chuckled and shook him off.

"I'll be back tomorrow night. That, you can count on."

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