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The bus cruised over a bump, jostling me as I dozed and causing me to tap my head against the window I had been leaning on. It wasn't exactly painful, but it had been enough to wake me up.

I squinted drowsily towards the front of the bus. Our driver was completely focused on the night road ahead. I watched lazily as the lights flashed by, blinding me momentarily until the next light passed.

I turned over, curling up to the man laying beside me. Being used to road trips and going on tour, he had no problem falling into a deep sleep. I, on the other hand, was lucky if I even got a couple of hours in. Luckily, we still had a nine hour drive until we reached the first venue of our tour. I had time to attempt to get in a few more winks of sleep.

I peeked up at him from my spot on his chest. He was sighing in his sleep, his warm breath grazing my face. His lips were parted slightly. They looked so soft and inviting.

What if I...?

I leaned forward and kissed him gently. He stirred in his sleep and muttered something I couldn't make out, but continued to dream. He seemed so content.

I smiled at him and nuzzled my head back down. Across the aisle from us sat Coco and Aurora, cuddled up under a blanket, their heads rested on one another's shoulders. The two girls had gotten closer lately and I had the suspicion that perhaps Coco had found a new lover in that bleach blond mystery of a woman.

Everything seemed to just be falling right into place. I turned to gaze back out of the window as the stars and streetlights flew by.

Touring with my boyfriend, having an awesome band, making all of these friends...I finally had a family to call my own. It wasn't a conventional family, but it was a family of sorts.

And to think that this had all started out with a struggling band and a lonely music queen.

A/N: If this book didn't seem to please you, maybe you should try reading Book 3: I've Got Your Satisfaction! here:

Book 2: Nothing Seems to Please Me (Duff McKagan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now